The gauntlet has been thrown down, and accepted. The Denmark Straights battle will take place next year. The question is: where? Is the pond in Ohio big enough to operate the mighty beasts that will take part? How deep is the pond in question? And is there any chance of an event longer than 2 days to make it worth toting 9.61 feet of battleship all the way from Georgia? I was on the fence for a while, but have broken down, as this is going to be EPIC, and how many people really do anything EPIC in their lives? (even if only one battle is Denmark Straights, getting a bunch of us together for a big event would make it awesome) Hood, you have seen being built. Ersatz Hannover, aka Schlactshiff 'F', aka T3h BISMARCK build thread starts this weekend. POW and Prinz Eugen await.
Assuming the battle is at Tom's, the pond is plenty big enough. I think it is 20' at the deepest part. The Versailles pond has hosted Battlestations sorties as well, but it is not as big, and is only 7' at the deepest. I will be driving/flying up from Arkansas for the event assuming my class schedule and the dates work out (I'm going back to school), otherwise I would build the Prinz Eugen. The MNCC TF events are usually three days (all two of them so far), but the club might vote for a bit longer. (Hopefully in August so I can definitely make it) Looking forward to the build
Shallow is fine. If I lose Bismarck in 20 feet of water, it's lost. I'm more worried about enough navigable surface area for large warships to maneuver. August is fine with me, but I hope that many people put in their date preference for planning purposes. June is IRCWCC Nats, July is MWC Nats.
Here, Tugboat, a sneak-peek of what you're getting yourself into. Looking forward to the build thread. Beaver
I'm thinking about building a O-class battlecruiser for Battlestations!. The whole German squadron would be a pretty mean fighting force. Beaver
Just letting you all know that we're not the only crazy people out there. I decided that once all current projects are finished, O class battlecruiser will be started. It's going to be an interesting project, the ribs are 12 1/4" wide at the beam. Beaver
If you aren't building it, it doesn't count for Psh'ing or Pfft'ing You could put in a command chair and let Lucca drive it!
Hey that would save the cost of a transmitter. There are no rules against a toddler control system right?
Tug, if you wanted to, you could use Ersatz Hannover as a kayak. Those of you who have more experience than me, could you answer a question for me? O has an armor belt, and you can see it in the plans. Does that mean I get a stringer, or not? Beaver
I'm dreaming of Mikasa and Retvizan at the Yellow Sea... Kotori made one in 1/144, so 1/96 should be no problem. Tugboat, will your shop be open over the weekend? I've got the weekend off, and I'd like to fix a leak in Gascoigne, make some pump outlets, unjam the stern cannon, and look into a more hydrodynamic rudder. Once my current boat is repaired, we can possibly start planning a batch of cannons for future projects.