Hey Tuggy, how are you doing on bismmarck, I can't wait to see all Four 96scale DS boats with there 144th scale sisters Nikki
Wanted to bump this thread up to the top. I am pretty sure that the Denmark Straits battle in Battlestations is perhaps nowhere in sight just now. But all of the boats that are needed to make this battle happen are currently under construction. Is it realistic to think we might be ready by next spring? M
You will never see that as mine is a HIM. HIM HIM HIM HIM HIM HIM HIM HIM. Are you seeing the pattern yet? HIM HIM HIM HIM HIM HIM HIM.I can keep going.
I don't know. I'm building it to the plans I have. Any technical or historical type questions like that need to be asked of the original project starter.
If you say so. I'm again not too interested in the details, just how well he will destroy whatever Phil has on the water. Lol. Gotta be Phil as he has been my only opponent to date in Battlestations. Lol. That makes him my nemesis. Haha.
Nut. I know. I need the rest of the cannon gear for Artemis. I hate that i habent gotten what i need for her. What in looking forwardvtwo more then anythink is 96scale Denmarck straits.. Nikki
Unless some other boats get built it will never happen. So then you really need to worry about something else. Something you can do. In not sure quite what that is lol. I can't build and run them all haha.