RE: Almirante Villar (Orfey class) I have Clemson plans on the hard drive, J... If you want to try it If I did a Clemson, I'd build it 1/16" wider and 1/2" longer to be within the rules but with as much bouyancy as possible, Adding the 1/32" battens to the ribs on el Almirante will displace roughly 1.4 more cubic inches of water than is strictly scale, which is 0.8 ounces (22g) of extra bouyancy. If you add the legal 1/2" of length to the midsection, it would be more significant. My weakness is that my ADD nature 'sees cool ship plans... must build cool boat!'. I acknowledge the pull but must rein in those urges to finish projects. With lil'Scharny battle-ready, I will finish el Almirante, and THEN contemplate my next move. The technical challenge is a lot of fun and very motivating. Anyhow, new progress pics tonite!
RE: Almirante Villar (Orfey class) I'm much the same way. I have a collection of plans of "cool ships" in paper and digital form (usually both). With my current Royal Navy fetish I have been pondering the Swift. A bit bigger than the Almirante Villar and no where near as Peruvian. The odd bit is the rudder. It hangs off the back like a 19th century torpedo boat. My weakness is wood working. None of the tools and really no space for them.
RE: Almirante Villar (Orfey class) I had a very good talk with Fluegel the Younger (Hail Fluegel!) at the Brouhaha... I had complimented him on his Prinz Eugen, and he regaled me with the story of how he began work on his PE armed only with a hand-held jigsaw. I was almost tempted to do that with el Almirante (which is a fine Russian ship, sold to the Peruvians), but I want to put it off for something special. Maybe a Yamato.
RE: Almirante Villar (Orfey class) Hand tools are how it all started I guess. If the Axis can manage it, so can I. Besides, total f***ups can be consigned to the flames, thus destroying the evidence.
RE: Almirante Villar (Orfey class) True that. I did actually buy a hand-held jigsaw, it cost $8. I'm quasi-serious about a Musashi, I think it would take long enough to make it affordable (saving a little every month), and I would be able to honestly say that I could vouch for the cheapest way to get into Class 8 From the smallest combatant to the biggest?
RE: Almirante Villar (Orfey class) Adding the strips is a really good idea. Too bad I've already fiberglassed mine or I'd give it a shot. I guess I could make them a disposable part of the hull sheeting. I think if I were to build another one of these from scratch, I'd add 1/4" - 1/2" inch of depth to the hull and 1/8" - 1/16" to the beam. I haven't done the math, but I think with these two changes youd have enough displacement to be able to carry the weight needed for the full co2 system and cannon.
RE: Almirante Villar (Orfey class) Was sitting around tonite working inside (if I'm not making a huge mess, the wife allows it), putting some 1/64" ply on the hull which will get 'glassed over later. It is possible to just tack the glass on with CA glue and it will more or less hold the form, but it'll pull and form convex shapes and I don't like the look nor the loss of bouyancy which that entails. Some parts of the ply haven't been fully glued down yet, but you get the general idea of what I'm trying to do. Ignore the full-looking yet empty wallet in pic 2, it was the nearest object the right size to prop up the hull for the pic **Side note: The May battle in Savannah is going to be on 29/20 May, at which time, El Almirante will make it's combat debut. So I have a bunch of work to get done! I will be playing with it some on Sunday after I get back from camping with the Boy Scouts. But I'm ordering my batteries before I leave for the weekend so that I can float test her and drive her around ASAP.
RE: Almirante Villar (Orfey class) The latest installment of the Red Menace? Manned by the fearsome Peruvian Navy?
RE: Almirante Villar (Orfey class) If you count the wallet in the pic there, you can add: "propped up by Capitalism?"
RE: Almirante Villar (Orfey class) To get the curves right you could try to glue 1/8 inch balsa strips between the forms, glue the plywood onto it and then sand them out after glassing the outside of the ply.
RE: Almirante Villar (Orfey class) Red Llamas? That Monty Python bit now makes some llamas in destroyers!!!
RE: Almirante Villar (Orfey class) You should totally find a 1/144 scale Llama, paint it red, and glue it to the lookout post in the superstructure. Oh, that would be hilarious!
RE: Almirante Villar (Orfey class) The Admiral will be sporting a llama if I have to make one out of wire and goop. I'll check Hobby Lobby's train scenery section today. Also, fiberglassing!
RE: Almirante Villar (Orfey class) Update: I will be fiberglassing tonite after Boy Scouts. I just got off the phone with Brian K, who has a paypal account... he is buying (for me, since I lack paypal) a Battler's Connection Micro Pump... It weighs in at 43g (1.6 ounces), footprint a little bigger than a quarter ($0.25), and 1.7" high. I have high hopes for the May battle! For the rules-conscious, I posted a message to the Region 3 mailing list, asking if anyone minded me testing the '1/4 unit gun and 1/4 unit pump' idea in a 2.5 pound DD at the May battle. The response has been very supportive of testing, with no 'No' votes
RE: Almirante Villar (Orfey class) I say NO Clark. Just kidding, sounds good to me, it does not exceed 1/2 unit. It may not fly at a Nats, but our regionals is a good place to test things, most of us are pretty opened minded about it, just as long as we can sink it, lol. Can you wait to install a outlet till the battle? I can whip up a special 1/16 in tapered that will help it out some.
RE: Almirante Villar (Orfey class) Well its made up and sitting in my toolbox, if you decide you want it Clark.
RE: Almirante Villar (Orfey class) David, you rule! I will absolutely wait to glue in a restrictor till then. What's the outside diameter of your fancy restrictor, for planning purposes? If el Almirante works as well as hoped at the May battle, I will post a proposal and get myself added to the Rules list to discuss it. I don't think anyone will freak over the proposal, as it will affect ONLY class 0.5 ships, and they're not going to be world-beaters, just fun little boats
RE: Almirante Villar (Orfey class) If the 1/4 rule goes national it has my vote. Its good to have some options for the .5's
RE: Almirante Villar (Orfey class) I will have to check. I used a peice of tube that Rick gave me to make up BC restrictors for the micro pump's, so what ever the plastic tube size is that comes with the pump, it will fit. When you get the pump from BC, it will have a 1/2 unit restrictor, make it fit, and then the one I made for you will fit also. Since I make all the 1/2 unit micro restrictors for BC.
RE: Almirante Villar (Orfey class) Cool, thanks Dave I'm hoping to have on-the-water pics sometime next weekend.