Dang.. was really hoping to get a look at it on the water, you've done a great job so far. This build has been making me want to find the one i started and finish gluing the ribs together. I know you said spectrum servos but are you running 2.4ghz? Just curious..
I had radio problems in little Willie Maykett, my microscopic transport. Turns out it was the motor, and switching to 2.4ghz fixed it.
I'm pretty sure that my problem is the motor and pump motor,several servo wires go past these. In my case, switching to 2.4GHz made it worse. Might be that my Spektrum rcvr is more sensitive to voltage transients. I'm sad about it too (was a little depressed last night), but with the light ofday, I've thought about how she will be redone, and avoid the EMI problem.
If it has a little bit of weight left, perhaps you can use a ferrous ring on the servo wires to dampen out any electrical noise. I use them on all of my ships. Not sure if you mentioned it, but three capacitors on each motor (pos to case, neg to case, and pos to neg) will stop any electrical noise generated by the brushes. Lastly, new motors generate lots of noise until the brushes break in. A quick 1 minute submerged dip into water while running will help seat those brushes. Don't forget to blow out the moisture and reoil the bushings afterwards.
We'll see how much time I have tonite. Brian, Christopher and I were driving our main ships around the pool last night (knid of intersting with 2 BBs and a cruiser on the pool at once). So I will at least have Scharnie ready; all I have to do other than play with Othar is get my gear together and load the truck on Friday night. I may strip out the drive motor and get 2 more caps soldered on while I am rearranging the wiring. I'm thinking that I will also route the servo wires under a strip of aluminum foil along the bottom of the hull as a form of shielding. I have to be careful with weight!
bah, sorry but lets see some updated pictures of this puppy on the water or atleast with some skin and superstructure put on!!
Bah. Skin and SS are on. It's combat-ready except for the EMI issue that will hopefully be fixed this weekend...
Bump indeed! I had to solder a new battery into the transmitter. Done now, I have the guts removed to properly cap the drive motor, and to run all the servo wires under a subfloor of aluminum foil (I mean, EMI shield).
I got reminded of Othar today, and I'm going to see if I can get him in the pool before it gets dark for a photo op. The wife-person has granted me the weekend to finish getting Scharnie back together, and Othar will get some love. I need to get another lightweight reg, though, as my Strike Models fixed reg is in Scharnie. Any ideas from the cognoscenti? EDIT: I may fit Othar's old accumulator for Nats and use him as a 1/2 unit convoy hunter DD, and play with the 1/4 unit gun&pump idea afterwards. So I still need to find a regulator, but it's not Nats-critical.
Keep posting on Othar, if I finish the Ballard some day I may want to convert it back from a AVD to a DD.
Brandon, I looked at the Rock regulator, and they sell them in two thread sizes (I think 3/8 and 1/2)... which one is the one to get?
You want this: http://palmer-pursuit.com/cart/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=8_25_27&products_id=618 3/8" is the thread for cartridges. You might have to specify that you will be using them so they include the cartridge piercer. Keep lubricated well.
Thanks! On a more embarrassing note, I put Othar in the pool for a photo op last night between rain showers. I forgot that I had not glued the bottom edge of many of the balsa sheets, and thus after sitting very prettily on the pool for 10 seconds, Othar promptly did an impression of a submarine. GAH! Suffice to say that my pool is frikkin' COLD right after a rain storm. Othar is drying nicely in the shop at this moment. I post this so that people new to the hobby can benefit by knowing that experienced guys can do stupid/embarrassing stuff too