Probably some Dirty-Rotten-Allied-Slime-Bucket-Allied-Rat-Fink-Allied-Spy-Type-Allied-Guy!!!!! Is there any other type? J
LOL! On the plus side, As I watched him slide beneath the waves, I noted with pride that he sank absolutely level Easy to do with a big warship, hard to do when you're getting crazy packaging stuff in a small DD. My Gearing hull dwarfs Othar.
From Blackadder Goes Forth: Captain Darling: So you see, Blackadder, Field Marshall Haig is most anxious to eliminate all these German spies. General Melchett: Filthy hun weasels, fighting their dirty underhand war! Captain Darling: And fortunately, one of our spies... General Melchett: Splendid fellows, brave heroes risking life and limb for Blighty!
You only disrespect the Allied because you would like to be one and just don't know how to ask for forgiveness. Kim
Well I am an Allie Big Gunner,although I do have a German Pocket Battleship to be completed and my son is working on his Axis Battleship IJN Fuso. SO we are a mixed family when it comes to our warships.
I am very aligned. Straight and Cheeze. All Allied in my squadron. Washington, Wichita, Marlborough, and Commencment Bay. Port Polar Bear Far East Squadron. I just talk a little smack. Kim
HAHA, maybe, maybe not. I have never had a problem with my guns. On the other hand I do remember an Axis boat bouncing bb's of the hull skin of another.
I wish to apologise for the hijacking of this build thread with misplaced, although well done and very deserving smack. It is just so hard not to smack the Allies cause it is sooo easy! J
Sir Tugboat, I have a question....... As you may or may not know I am also in the process of building one of these little guys. My qusestion has to do with the waterline, and the penetrable area. When I measure down from the waterline on the drawings I have found, it is only about 3/4 inch above the bottom of the boat. Since Webwookie's plans had the extra 3/8 draft added, the scale waterline on my model - at least the best I can figure - is just a bit over 1" above the bottom of the boat........... Point being, does the entire side of the hull have to be penatrable????? By the looks of your pics, it looks like you have come up a ways from the bottom with your sheeting and fiberglass. Is there a rule exception for the small boats I need to take into account?? Another question, has anyone ( I know Tugboat and Nick had one of these on the ways, maybe some other guys also?) put one of these in the water yet for a float test?? I saw Nick floated one with tape as a skin, but has anyone got one to float yet with a proper balsa skin yet??
I think Clark has. His was running well enough to reveal interference between the motors and the receiver. I think he was planning on taking it to NATS this week.
Hey!!! My rule proposal (MWCI rules) to allow 1/2-unit ships to split their half unit into a 1/4-unit pump and gun... PASSED!!! So Othar will be getting ready for Nats, too I will work on him while epoxy dries on Scharnie. 1/4-unit spurt and 1/4-unit pump. Yes, I already have the motor and ESC for the pump And Othar's previous brushed drive motor is being replaced with a smaller brushless drive Vorwarts to victory!!
Congrats on getting your rule change proposal approved! Try to post some more pics if you get a chance. What kind of brushless motor did you get for it?