Cool, thanks! If I decide to go with a Mogami over a Tone, it will be the light cruiser version anyways. They look just mean with those 15 6.1 inch guns. Also, I heard from someone that to ship them from Australia, they need to saw the hulls in half. Is there any truth to that? Mike D
They can only ship so long a lenght, above that the price goes sky high for shipping. My large ships came in 2 peices, but its no problem putting them back together, he has brass inserts in the hull so that they have alignment pins for reassembly. I was not too sure about it till I got the first one, but it has really not been a issue. Here is his response. Hi David, Its the Tone Jap cruiser. It has the bow thickened slightly to allow fitment of rotating cannons for big gun but still looks fine in all respects. Has Catapult bases moulded into the hull as well. Cheers