I got the Liberte assembled today. I was missing one part, but the rest of the kit went together well. I added a couple of pieces to make filling in the bow casemate a little easier.
Here's a picture to show the relative size of the Liberte and Potemkin against one of the smallest dreadnoughts, the South Carolina And yes, these will be in the catalog, at a price less than my cruisers. Don't look for them before January, the laser cutter I use had a lot of new business lately and it was only through a favor that they squeezed my prototypes in.
Score! If I wasn't about to print a hull, I'd be buying 5 of each Mark, you are amazing. My planned printed USS Connecticut is getting started over, since I have found a technique that gives better results than my very laborious old method. The new hull in progress is pictured at: Anyhow, the first piece of the bow is going to be printed this weekend, and the rest of the boat by the end of the post-Christmas weekend. Someone else talked about making a mold for this hull, and I was like...'I dunno...', but it grew on me as I looked at the plans. Not a predread, but it looks World War One-ish. And it's fast (22 sec). Any guessers? I know someone's going to post a correct answer in less than an hour but I'll have my fun until then
To answer an earlier question.. We do have the rib lines for the K.E. VII, but I like having lots of rib lines, so that I can pick and choose which ones I want to use. The ones we do have are minimal, and I am hoping to find some that are better. I am planning to pick up some of Mark's new pre-dread kits when they are ready. But I am also looking to build something else too. One thing that I have been considering is that as more folks field more pre-dreads in the battles, this could very well give folks some incentive to build and battle protected, and armored cruisers. Especially if they can run together as a group. The light cruisers of that period are rather smallish, and might be a challenge to build. But they certainly have some really cool history. I have a fondness for the Blucher, and the Rurik. Mikey
If you're going off the Russian KE7 plans, yeah, they're pretty lacking in frames... have you tried putting them in delftship and letting the software fair the lines and generate more stations?
Tuggy. Me? Try delftship? Your talking to someone who still listens to 8-track tapes, and carries a bag-phone dude. I can just barely figure out e-mail. I am pretty handy with a scroll-saw. I will wait until someone else comes up with the plans though. Mikey
If you want, I can throw them into Deftship and see what I can do with them. I have a good bit of experience with the program. Beaver
I can scale my existing 3d hull to expand the number of ribs for the KE7. I'm probably going to do something British anyway.
Ok, just thought I would I would offer. I'm just curious, but is anybody planning on building a Charlemagne? Beaver
I would, but then I would have to change my name to "Tugboat". Of course, there can only be one of those, so... yeah. No more ships for me
Ignore Chase, he's in denial of his true self He hears the Call of the Unbuilt... he will answer it one day, and pass it on to his young son and future battler
Call of the Unbuilt, eh? Been wondering what that itch feeling was called. Now Chase, if you were to change your name to Tugboat, and you built a Charly, what format would you build her to? I'm thinking she would make a neat boat in BS. Beaver
Ok, I really shouldn't be thinking of more ships to build. I'm going to have my hands full with Rodney and V-106. Plus, I might end up keeping a Tribal hull when I get the mold built. Beaver