That detailed answer is much appreciated Kevin. I owe all y'all a frosty beverage for your advice and discussion.
First look at the theoretical stringer and WL. Pink = 1/8" stringer Black = 1/4" WL Red = 3/8" Deck Hash up = 1" below top of WL Hash down = 1" below bottom of WL
My camera is color blind. In my shop that orange is red and that purple is pink. The orange is the 3/8" deck rim. The purple is the 1/8" stringer.
NC is taped up and ready to cut. Going for 33.5ish lbs. 1.5" hard area in the bow. 1" hard area in the stern. 26 ribs. 25 @ 1/4" and 1 @5/16"
After some discussion with folks who have been built several NCs and talking through my over thinking on the bulge I've decided to lighten her up a bit and get a bit more freeboard. Might do another float test before I cut it, we'll see how I feel once I get back from this work trip.
New float test was educational. Going to shoot for 30-32 lbs for final weight. Some of that is going to the bow to bring that down a bit. I liked the last float test spot due to a shaded picnic table. But this spot makes it even easier with the scale right on the dock. Totally avoids walking in/out of the pond.