worked on putting in the foam and burying the gas line. Primed the center section with self etching primer, will sand and then go with expoy painting to fill the little gaps. Stern looking towards bow: front view, you can see the stern section in the background.
Picked up the magnets from McMaster, chose a 2.3 pound pull. Seems that these will work. Installed. Drilled a hole first and then ground out around it so the magnet would be flush. Worked on the starboard waterchanneling Placement of batteries and bottles.
When placing the stern gun holder, measured and realized that I was 1/4 inch off on the side. Ripped out some work so this could be corrected. Going with the aluminum ring versus the rods as there was too much flex. While that was setting up, started on the rudder tube. While the servos are "waterproof", a little defense in depth never hurts. Two endcaps with o-rings. Had to make a tray at the bottom of the tube.
Yes, that is the goal. Most of the difficult parts are done, trying to get it ready for testing in two- three weeks.
Moved the gun over 1/4 inch, placed the soleniod holder and new tube as well as running two tubes for the test switches. Now just have to redo the top plate and blend it in. Due to time constraints, instead of a great paint job I will just finish in white epoxy paint until after the Brew. Worked on the split deck. Will have a lip in the middle seam, and magnets at the deck rails. Put the superstructure on to see how it works with the deck design.
Lots more to do, need to finish soon so I have enough time to test. Need to make the lip on the center divide and install the magnets. Then have to make the outer ring on the turret, thinking of casting that in termite type armor material.
Well, after talking to another battler I am going to scrap the tube for the rudder and go with more of a traditional setup. This means re-working the stern, but it will be time well spent. Purchased a few other items to help with the build as well. Thanks again MAV, you know who you are!
Concerned that the magnets were not strong enough, but didn't want to spend the money at McMaster for more, I found a much cheaper source. The magnets are great! Going to test to see if I even need to cut the subdeck to install. Worked on the stern deck, got the rough shape and marked up all the cuts. This is then used to mark the outline for the top deck, the trick with this piece is making the "lip" in the center cut. The cutouts are to save weight, but keep the top deck strong. The plan is to have one piece with 4 magnet points, and the other section will be removed to access the firing buttons and check for gas leaks. No need for quick disconnects or worries that something will get bumped or shifted when attaching the deck back to the hull. Just a different way of doing things.
Can't wait to see this running around the test basin! We need a pre-battle-damage photo with NC and KGV 'anchored' together
Got my plane flight booked and car rented for the brew. Plan is to ship the equipment/tools and stuff that should not be on a plane (batteries, bottles,etc...) and pack the boat in a suitcase. Custom foam should keep it safe, should be fun going through security.
Put flyers in the case. You know they'll open it. Might find a new battler, at least give the boys at the airport somthing to talk about over lunch.
Lou, guess what? My furniture (and tools) gets delivered this Saturday. I should have the shop up and running about a week afterwards. I'm thinking of a cannon build session on the 20th or 26 - 27th. Interested?
Yes Sir! 20th is good for me, I'll get there around 11:00 a.m or noon if that works (leaving early in the morning). Then head back that night. Just send me an email on what to bring or cash for the parts you have.