Hi there. Does anyone know a good source for props? As Battlers Connection is having supply chain issues, i was wondering if anyone knows of a different supplier of decent props.
If you can draw them, you can get them in metal from shapeways. wasn't much more than the british kort props last time I looked (which was a bit ago)
I looked at shapeways. Cost is prohibitive from what i saw. I was considering a 2" prop on the konig but seeing a 2.25" prop over 100 cdn makes me want to explore alternatives.
https://www.shapeways.com/shops/rc-warship-tech Snipehunter has a shapeways store with them all ready to go for you.
I think that's what he meant saying shapways was too expensive. (which it is, but in fairness it's meant for small jewelry, sortof abusing it for props, and custom one of a kind things are always more costly) With the current exchange rate PropShop is a lot cheaper than it used to be, I think everyone is happy they were able to come back and start making props again.
Hey @SnipeHunter so the max size I can fit on my boat is 1.625 inches. Looking at those Nylon props on your page, could I shave/trim those 1.75s down? and on that thread, any suggested technique to shave/trim them?
I'm selling these on ebay - solid brass 2.2" current price is about half of what I paid for them https://www.ebay.com/itm/RC-Boat-Pr...-10-32-Protean-Design-Right-Hand/224125206586 They are not the best for out models, fairly directional - could put on backwards for killer reverse
I suppose you could shave them down. Doing it by hand with a sharp knife and a file might work, or you could rig something up to slowly rotate the prop against a spinning cutter (thinking mill bit most likely). If I needed a 1.625" prop I'd just adjust the CAD model and get one printed, that would be faster and a better use of time to me. Which prop are you looking at? I don't know how those props stand up in combat, I know some people have bought them but I've never heard if they got used or how they did. To me they are more for fit and testing before committing to an expensive bronze prop.
just looking at the Korts. I don't have access to a printer or anything, so I'm kinda just looking at my options right now.