Push Plastic High Heat PLA

Discussion in 'Product Review' started by GregMcFadden, Dec 28, 2017.

  1. GregMcFadden

    GregMcFadden Facilitator RCWC Staff

    Dec 6, 2006
    I really hate doing reviews like this, but lest someone else run into trouble, I will do so.

    I will preface this with the following : When complete, I really like the 3D850 material properties, particularly after heat treatment.

    Beware of Push plastics high heat PLA. they sell known defective filament. I looked back through my prints and figured I had only a 50-60% overall success rate with them . The issue is that some regions of the filament are extremely brittle and will break if almost any load is applied to it (inclusive of unwinding off a spool) .


    their reply to my question about what to do about breaking filament follows:

    There is a known issue with our High heat PLA in 1.75mm on 1kg spools. We have experienced the same thing, and sometimes it can snap on the bottom of the reel too. This is due to the process in which we manufacture filament, which seems to only affect this material in this diameter. To fix this issue, you can anneal the filament while on the reel. Just throw it in an oven at ~130F for an hour and the filament will “reset” itself. If you have any breakage on the bottom of the spool let us know and we will replace the lost filament.
    Thanks, and sorry for the trouble!
    Push Plastic"

    To be frank, if it is a known issue, it is defective and selling it without disclosing this is BS. I recommend 3D850 PLA, I can NOT in good conscience recommend push plastics, however.

    Addendum: Did finally get a refund from push plastics but the mess with dealing with them has not really convinced me that they should be trusted as a supplier.
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2018
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