Hanger deck side shot, still a gap but I will live with it. Still need to cast the gun tubs. Stern superstructure covers the uptubes from the dual guns. Just lift it up and access the magazines
So the AA guns in the front are actually on metal and not wood deck, so I am simulating that with (what else) fiberglass board. Using the shape to help locate the two pieces of superstruture which are held on by magnets. One piece is glued to the main deck, smaller strip glued to the outside to help guide the main piece when closing. This shot is the main piece removed from the hull. Main deck closed up Superstructure just placed on the deck to show how the piece blends into the overall look. The smaller strip was allowed to run wide so I can sand to the hull shape. Guns placed on to show locations. Will be adding a breakwater (termite armor) to the front and painting all grey once the guns are cleaned up. Smaller strip has been sanded.
Making all the "bling" for this boat and a few others in the stash. The chain area that goes on the bow is wrong, so I had to cut it off the board and start over (you can see it on the left side). Ground down an anchor so I can glue it on the side of the boat. Cowlings will look great on any WW1 ship or merchant ship. Boat still has to have the cabin tops completed and cast, good enough for this pour.
Reworking the anchor chain area. Will still have to do some modification once it is cast... Placed on the bow to show location
The Queen gets some jewelry. Most parts are made from termite armor, will see if they take the abuse from the deck shots/skips... Bow view, parts still have to be painted Stern got some loving with gun tubs and bollards Pom pom tubs are done, these can be removed in order to mount the cameras Proof of concept on the cranes. Can't go scale size on the girders, there is not enough mass to hold the weight. So I was hoping it didn't look "too thick". Feedback welcomed. The parts used in this shot are not the best castings as they were the first pulled from the molds. The sides are both left detail pieces, if the size looks decent then I will cast the right sides.
Brian and I are printing some that are closer to scale thickness. If you're unhappy with the cast ones down the line, I'm sure some printed ones might fall into your box at a battle.
I added a How-To section to the RM. I didn't do subcategories at this time, but as it fills up that can be revisited and things sorted accordingly.
Please do, anything to take axis bb's off the point system. Now moving your guns above horizontal is illegal, and I heard the NATS CD is a hard ass about that