Radio Help

Discussion in 'Electrical & Radio' started by Lord Haw Haw, Jun 12, 2022.

  1. Lord Haw Haw

    Lord Haw Haw Member

    Jun 7, 2022
    North Carolina, United States
    I know you guys get these questions all the time, and here is another one. :)
    Looking over different radios. The RadioMaster TX12 16CH
    I know 16 channels is not needed, but it has two momentary buttons. Can I use those as buttons for guns?
  2. Commodore

    Commodore Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2013
    Sunny TX
  3. Lord Haw Haw

    Lord Haw Haw Member

    Jun 7, 2022
    North Carolina, United States
    Thank you for the reply. I looked the flysky radio over and like it, the downside is it uses AA batteries. And I know my limitations, I will never be able to modify a radio. Like you, I used the stick to fire the guns. I have contacted radiomaster about the tx12 buttons and I will share the reply I get.

    Let me ask another question if you please,what do you think of the left stick being returned to center? It seems most radios are sold can't do this but can be opened and modified easily. I won't be doing that. But your an experienced combat vet. What say you, are you a yes or no on the left stick being returned to center?

    Thank you
  4. Commodore

    Commodore Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2013
    Sunny TX
    Hokay, you haz questions, I haz answers. Sort of. Keep in mind, that currently part of my gestalt is that I am slacking and trying not to be a "try-hard". Been there, done that, got tired of all the grief from salty people. Anywaaaay...

    I consider AA batteries a net positive. I can toss a pack of Duragizers in the lakeside box and not worry about it. If I forget and leave the radio on, I have plenty of extras in the box. I've previously done NiCD, NiMH, and even LiPo in my radios, and while LiPo was my "favorite", it still came down to "did I remember to charge it?" "Did I forget and leave it on?" Etc., etc... All those things, and then having to have a backup charger at lakeside for just such emergencies. Bleh.

    I honestly didn't look at the TX12. Give me a minute or two. (plays Jeopardy music in background)

    So, yeah, I hate it. Not really, but I consider the buttons to be non-ergonomic. One of the reasons I don't put the standard gimbal replacement buttons in my radio is because I feel like they require the use of the thumb to fire, and the thumb is not the most dexterous digit. I know someone who did their radios with the buttons on the side of the transmitter case for just such reasons, but whenever I "borrowed" their radio/boat for a few minutes, I'd end up inadvertently firing the guns because I'd go to rest the radio at my side and accidentally bump the buttons. Oops. Anywaaaay...

    Yeah, I use Spektrum radios because I got one for "free" with an airplane I bought, and found that I rather liked it. I used to love Airtronics, but they're ancient history now. (sad) I won't give them a blanket recommendation, because I had one fail on hard on me, and that was not good. Thankfully, Charley loaned me his spare for the rest of the week, but that radio is still TKO; I can't get it to bind or talk anymore. All I did was change the batteries at lakeside before battle start (sigh).

    So, for your second question, I think that having the left stick self-centering is probably a good thing, especially if you use an ESC. It helps keep you from accidentally sailing across the lake when you're not paying attention, or sinking yourself in reverse (same reason). I don't do it myself, because again, I'm slacking. I don't want to hack my radios open, either.

    All that said, you're in NC ... let's just say that there are people in the vicinity, or not too far away who might just offer to help you out, for an appropriate bribe. The catch there is they would probably prefer you have a radio that they're familiar with. I don't know. I don't have all the answers, and honestly, my answer is that I like to leave my radio stock ... also, in part, because if I have to switch to a backup (I bring two now), I want it to be as little an impact as possible.

    I hope that made some sense.
  5. darkapollo

    darkapollo Well-Known Member

    Mar 26, 2008
    Carlisle PA
    I can tell you the flysky is easy to modify. Especially if you get the 10ch version.
  6. Lord Haw Haw

    Lord Haw Haw Member

    Jun 7, 2022
    North Carolina, United States
    That makes perfect sense every bit of it. My gut says go with the radio that the vets say is good. But my brain is saying try something new if it pans out. It seems I can order a radio from the manufacturer and they can modify it. We have a hobby shop that repairs radios, they may be able to add buttons to the radio, I am gonna write them. I am keeping my options open. Thank you sir :)
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2022
  7. Lord Haw Haw

    Lord Haw Haw Member

    Jun 7, 2022
    North Carolina, United States
    I will keep that in mind. Thank you :)
  8. Commodore

    Commodore Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2013
    Sunny TX
    Ya welcome. :)

    The problem with "what vets say is good" is that there are so many different definitions of "good". To some, good means cheap and disposable. To others, good means lasts forever and never has a problem. Some will die on the hill of Futaba, for others, FlySky is where it's at.

    One thing I would most definitely suggest is whether or not your ship is done, go to a battle, and see what people are actually using and how it's working for them. It's one thing to talk big on the internet, but when you see a captain cussing at his radio in the pits, or the pall of smoke rising from their hull ... you get a much more immediate feeling of what "works" and what doesn't.

    I was fortunate enough to get to attend a battle in Decatur Alabama back in the fall of 1984, and what I learned there both motivated me to finish my first ship, and also gave me a lot of help and clues on *how* to finish that first ship. And a bunch of happy memories.

    I still miss Dan Hamilton and that greasy burger place where I learned that there's more to a burger than ketchup.

    Good times :)
    Terry Keef, Nomercy and Boatmeister like this.
  9. Boatmeister

    Boatmeister Active Member

    Aug 29, 2007
    Chesterton, Indiana
    I think Sizzlin was the buffet we always went to on Saturdays. I remember Mary filling several doggy bags for their dogs
  10. Lord Haw Haw

    Lord Haw Haw Member

    Jun 7, 2022
    North Carolina, United States
    I miss Don Fisher and the immediate kindness and friendship he gave. The invites to his home in wrentham,MA for building and talking boats. He built my AC Scharnhorst. At the time had my Derfflinger and my brother a Arizona. I am just guessing 2004-05 we drove to Maryland for a regional, my first event. It was all worth it. Learned a lot. Loved every minute of it.

    This is my boat, there are many like it, but this one is mine. I know success on the pond is directly tied to my knowledge and experience with the boat, it's all on me. When I was active I took my boats apart and put them back together. Now that was more then 12 years ago. But I will do it again.

    I appreciate everything you to say to me. In fact I purchased the radio you suggested and just enough equipment to get Derfflinger operating again. Now from reading the forums it seems my boats are old tech. These higher rate of fire solenoids interest me but dont bother me in the least. We all still have the same amount of bb in our magazines. :)
    I have about half dozen questions, and please I am not asking you to answer them, that's unfair. I will get answers at events. One of them is these brushless ESC. It looks like this tech replaced the throttle switches servo. Or maybe it didn't. Idk.

    Still a Massachusetts man, have my Boston accent. Been in the south since 2006. Maybe I'm bland in my eating habits, I love a plain hamburger. So we're sitting down to eat at a place in North Carolina long while back. Server asks how do you want that burger. I said no red,no blood, burn it. He said what you want on it? I Said plain. :)
    Now the people at the table made a noise of disgust and disappointment. Lol. And I was like what would you suggest? And the answer was....mustard, chili and slaw. :)

    Thanks for taking the time to talk with me :)
    Mark41 and Nomercy like this.
  11. Commodore

    Commodore Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2013
    Sunny TX
    Well, if you're ever in TX, you're welcome to drop by, but I can't guarantee I'm the best at helping. Let's just say that my boat productivity level hasn't been the highest of late.

    As it is, I'm trying to get Fusion 360 to cooperate so that I can try printing some "improved" rudder gears. Yeah, we'll see how that works out. Heaven forbid I do something useful like re-sheet my boat before I'm in the hotel room.