Groups of cross-sections to be cut out for the HMS London/Dorsetshire, Almirante Cervera and Java hull plugs. 74 in total - cut out 16 of the 33 for London yesterday. The hull profile for Java was cut from two pieces of basswood, glued togther and slots for the cross-sections cut.
Test fitting hull plug frames for Java and Almirante Cervera Class Dutch and Spanish CLs: Java Class Almirante Cervera Class; the sharp-eyed will notice frames 7 & 8 need to be reversed! The frame for the London & Dorsetshire plug needs to have 15 more frames cut out. That's on hold until income tax forms are done. Thanks to an addition going on the house there are lots of blue and pink styrofoam scraps to glue into the frames.
Just finished cutting out the components of the hull plug frame for the London and Dorsetshire Classes (non-bulged subclasses of the County Class heavy cruisers). Thanks again to Buttskauf for the basswood! Test fit: