Rocky Mountain Captains

Discussion in 'Independents' started by jamesyoung, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. jamesyoung

    jamesyoung Member

    Dec 2, 2009
    As my boat is nearing completion, I'm looking for captains to shoot holes in it. (seriously, I don't have the guns in yet, so she's a big target!)
    an evenings (7ish hours) travel from SLC, UT covers Reno, Vegas, Boise, Cheyenne, Casper.
    That darn Grand Canyon tacks on too many hours for AZ, Likewise Denver is a bit too far to make on a friday without taking time off work. But If anyone in that general area wants to say hello, let's start planning get togethers, starting in spring-time.
    I'm not thinking of starting a club, with rules/dues or anything. Unless there is a large interest. So any format, styling is welcome, just so long as it's roughly scale and doesn't set boats on fire.
    I'll be joining the WWCC out in california, but that'll be a once or twice a year event. I'm looking for Monthly or Semi-Monthly events.
  2. CaptainCook

    CaptainCook Member

    Feb 20, 2009
    RE: Rocky Mountain Captians
    I'm north of Boise, about 2 hours, and I'm building a Utah class dreadnought. It'll be a while before she's finished and I'm in my junior year of highschool so traveling to battles isn't an option at the moment. But in a year or two I'll be looking to battle with someone.
    Also I'm MWC; in other words fast gun, rather than big gun like the WWCC.
    There is a build report for my Utah in the warships build section although it is out of date.
  3. jamesyoung

    jamesyoung Member

    Dec 2, 2009
    RE: Rocky Mountain Captians
    Let me give you some of my background, I found the hobby middle of last year, bought a hull with the intention of working on it over the winter, but had a baby instead. It sat in my shed for nearly a year before I got excited again. I started work on it a few months ago and am a layer of silkspan and a coat of paint away from putting it in the water. I figure I can practice maneuvers while I'm building/saving money for guns. So I'm looking for people to play with come spring. I'm willing to travel, which is why I started the thread. I'd love to plan out someplace to be every month, that I can get to by leaving home on Friday, sailing most of saturday, and being back home by Sat night.
    For Everyone who reads this thread, if you live in the rockies, and know of ponds where we can play, even if you're not interested, let me know.
    Cpt Cook: Are you opposed to traveling to Boise? Same idea as me, we find a place in Boise, show up at 10am on Sat, and sail until we're bored, talk shop, compare ships, (LOVE your ships btw) and have a meal.
    But this is what I want to see: 1-2 other captians saying, oh yeah! I can make a weekend trip to Boise! I don't expect to get many, or have a battle with armadas, but a little ship on ship action, get sunk, have fun!
    Edit: Oh and we'll need to come up with some way of making fast/big guns compatible. I *like* the idea of firing large rounds, from lots of turrets, but it should be easy to say, turn off the bilge pump, only arm one turret, and something else and they're *even*.
    It won't be that big of a deal right now, as my ship fires .177 bbs, but I want to attract everyone that has a sinkable model ship.
  4. CaptainCook

    CaptainCook Member

    Feb 20, 2009
    RE: Rocky Mountain Captians
    I haven't taken Drivers ed yet (I'm old enough but this isn' the right time of year) so I at the moment I'm not able to travel. I'll probably take DE next spring, and hopefully around the same time I can complete my battleship so then going to battles might be more likely. I'd also have to get permission from my parents.
    I agree that since there aren't that many people in the area combining fast/big gun would be wise.
    I'm also kind of like you in that I'm saving for the guns etc. and buying as I go, I don't have everything sitting around waiting to be installed.
  5. crackerzach

    crackerzach Member

    Jun 25, 2009
    RE: Rocky Mountain Captians I'm willing to drive up to Boise, my dad would just have to come along.
  6. crackerzach

    crackerzach Member

    Jun 25, 2009
    RE: Rocky Mountain Captians oh i live in utah as well
  7. jamesyoung

    jamesyoung Member

    Dec 2, 2009
    RE: Rocky Mountain Captians
    I gave a talk at our local Ignite:
    I've had two people contact me since then (that was a couple of weeks ago) and I'm hoping that since the vid went up today, I'll have a few more over the next couple of weeks. Here's to a new club in UT.
  8. crackerzach

    crackerzach Member

    Jun 25, 2009
    RE: Rocky Mountain Captians Bravo! I can toast that!
  9. KeriMorgret

    KeriMorgret Facilitator RCWC Staff Vendor

    Jul 15, 2009
    Seattle, Washington
    RE: Rocky Mountain Captians
    I liked the video James, and just tweeted a link to it from the Strike Models Twitter account (
    for any of you on Twitter).
  10. jadfer

    jadfer Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2008
    Houston, TX
    RE: Rocky Mountain Captians that video was way cool. The crowd seemed to love it.
  11. jamesyoung

    jamesyoung Member

    Dec 2, 2009
    RE: Rocky Mountain Captians
    Thanks guys... I cringe when I watch it now, I um'ed and fumbled my way through it, but yeah. The crowd loved it and I've been in contact with 2 people that want to participate, but they've not shown up to any build sessions yet.
  12. crackerzach

    crackerzach Member

    Jun 25, 2009
    RE: Rocky Mountain Captians I just need to get the funds to get a boat, and I don't time to build one. But I do have enough time to battle:)
  13. jamesyoung

    jamesyoung Member

    Dec 2, 2009
    RE: Rocky Mountain Captians
    I know Thurs. nights are school nights, but you should come check out what I've got done so far. I have a ton of supplies that I don't mind sharing....
    And any other night, or Saturday that you're free, tell me so and we'll take the cruiser out to the pond and dink around.
  14. Renodemona

    Renodemona Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2007
    Reno, NV
    RE: Rocky Mountain Captians We have a relatively active group of battlers in Reno, NV (including myself, this years national MWC Presient). Now that the weather has warmed up we will start our battling season soon. We can also hold build sessions. I'll open up the garage and set up more tables to work on boats. I've got your basic tools, dremels, cutters, saws, that sort of thing. Let me know a date and we can either build or battle, or do both. I'm happy to put people up in the guest room as well since you're coming in from out of town.
  15. jamesyoung

    jamesyoung Member

    Dec 2, 2009
    RE: Rocky Mountain Captians I like the idea, maybe a saturday towards the end of June?
  16. Renodemona

    Renodemona Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2007
    Reno, NV
    RE: Rocky Mountain Captians That would most likely work. I have to check my work schedule, but we'll be deep into the runup to Nats around then, lots of oppurtunity to work on boats and get them ready for the biggest battle of the year.
  17. crackerzach

    crackerzach Member

    Jun 25, 2009
    RE: Rocky Mountain Captians I'll see if I can fly in with my dad, since I'm only sixteen my dad would want to be there.
  18. jamesyoung

    jamesyoung Member

    Dec 2, 2009
    RE: Rocky Mountain Captians
    If you want to come, we should go out together... I was planning on driving, and there will be plenty of room in the van.
  19. Renodemona

    Renodemona Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2007
    Reno, NV
    RE: Rocky Mountain Captians June 26 has been cleared for a big battle date. I have also arranged for June 19th to be a boat build day extravaganza! The more the merrier. Chips, dogs, soda, Beer (for those 21+), for the build sessions, and lots of bbs and battling for the battle. Let me know if you would like to be added to the club's email list to get updates on events, items for sale, meetings, and that sort of thing.
  20. Renodemona

    Renodemona Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2007
    Reno, NV
    RE: Rocky Mountain Captians Battle schedule adjustment! I got into a very hard to get into training class and had to move up the dates a bit for boat events. June 5th all day build session in the garage, June 13th battle here in Reno NV. Email if you wish to attend or need directions. Both events are open to anyone who wants to check out the boats!