Hello all, I am looking for (NMM) National Maritime Museum or shipyard plans for the Nelson or Rodney. Does anyone have some to sell. I thought to try the forums before I order from the UK. Thanks, RiverRaider
If you order those, I might help out if I can get a copy. They're considered open source, bring from the government archives, right?
I know that the stuff posted on the various Royal Navy sites is regarded in much the same way as our government-sourced documents/plans/pics...
Then they should be okay. There may be restrictions that the NMM puts on them prohibiting commercial distribution.
Hello, The plans are property of the museum and are not to be copied so I would not be able to do that as the last set I purchased from them I signed an agreement not to copy them and I would assume that is still the case. That set I bought was for a cruiser and cost over $400 and if I wanted to purchase them for resale the cost is much higher but they are very nice plans. So I am still looking. RiverRaider
Ah, I was under an incorrect impression. $400 seems kind of steep though, even for good plans. I think I'll skip Rodney/Nelson or use cheaper ones I do wish you luck in your search, though. I downloaded a very nice 1/384 plan and profile view of Rodney from the Royal Navy's official site; that's legal for use, just scale it up. But I don't have a frames drawing at this point.
Well its cheaper than the full set of plans available for the HMS Vanguard, mind you, several pages were of an earlier revision more like KGV.
Hello Tugboat, $400 was not really that bad considering how many sheets of plans I got for that amount and that many were over 8 feet long. But if you are building a 1000 dollar ship 400 bucks is extreme. I have four different Rodney/Nelson plan sets and they are good and would be great for 1/144 and smaller ships but as I build 1/72 and larger I just need more details that are not included in the plans I have. Thanks for the tip on the Royal site I'll download that one also. And thanks for everyone's input I will just have to order from the UK. Thanks, RiverRaider
The one set of plans I have shows 24457 rivits on the starboard side, but the other set of plans I have shows 24458 rivits. What plan is right? Yes that is a joke, not ha ha funny, but...
Tugboat, Thanks again for the tip about the 1/384 scale plans! It got me thinking about who done those in that scale and I remembered seeing a Conway plan in that scale and by chance yesterday I was up near Bob's area at the Battlefield store and they had the entire set of those plans in a plans folio published by Conway Maritme Press in 1971 for $35.00. It has the Rodney and plans for four other battleships, four cruisers two destroyers and a mine laying cruiser. If you are ever in Minneapolis check out the BattleField store. The naval section is not as large as others but you could still spend hours looking through all the books and magazines. http://www.battlefieldstore.com/ RiverRaider
I will check my Favorites list on my old computer; I actually tried to google it again and came up empty; very vexing when you're used to easily finding stuff. I have all the plans saved on my hard drive, but the site is not in my faves on this PC. @James you haven't even commented on Minerva since I got the deck on! Shame!
Tugboat, have you tried http://web.archive.org? It's the Internet Archive, and they take snapshots of websites. You can see what a website looked like several years ago, and often get some good information.