The rules modification process opens up on the first of December. Normally we allow 1 week to propose and discuss rules, followed by one week to vote on the rules. This year, since many people are busy during early December, and because we really don't need to rush the rules process, proposals and discussion will be open from now through the first two weeks in December. Here's a quick reminder of the rules process from the MNCC constitution: a. Any member of the club, who has participated in at least one full battle during the last two years, corresponding to the format under revision, may submit a change request to the battling rules. b. Change requests must be submitted to the membership using the rules website. Proposed changes will be open for submittal and discussion from the first Sunday in December to the second Sunday in December. c. Each rule proposal must include the following: 1) Background and purpose behind the proposal. 2) List of ships or ship classes that the rule affects. 3) Specific paragraph number(s) that it is proposed to be changed. Specific wording of the proposed change, in terms of what words to strike out and/or what words to add. d. A rule proposal must receive a second and a third to be considered for voting. e. At the end of the discussion period, the Secretary/Purser will post polls for each proposed change. The polls will remain open for 7 days for the club membership to vote. f. Two-thirds of voting members must vote in favor of a rule proposal for the change to be adopted. Also during the rules process, we need to consider if we are going to keep the provisional rules from last year. We need to reapprove them or propose they be adopted as a regular rule. If neither of these actions occur, the provisional rule will be automatically dropped. Provisional rules are in effect for the period of one year. To be renewed for another year they must be resubmitted and reapproved. To be adopted into the local rule set, they must be formally proposed and approved during the annual rules process. The web site for the Treaty rules discussion is the WashingtonTreatyCombatMidwest Yahoo site. The web site for the Battlestations rules discussion is the BattlestationsOhio Yahoo site. Please don't discuss the rules on the MNCC Yahoo site.