Saranac Sept. 24

Discussion in 'Event Announcements' started by kgaigalas, Jul 26, 2016.

  1. WillCover

    WillCover -->> C T D <<--

    Nov 1, 2009
    Harrison, Michigan
  2. Kenny

    Kenny New Member

    Jul 7, 2016
    9 Barberry, Nunica,Mich.
    Hey Ken had a great time Saturday. The Michigan's is in for a total overhaul.

    I am going to make this ship a training ship for New poten
    tial members to the club.

    It might violate a couple of club rules. It will be unsinkable, fast, and very fast on the guns.

    This boat boat will do 4 things. 1st it will give the newbe confidence which is very important.

    2nd it will give high time member's the challenge of fighting, Protecting and training an unsinkable newbe.

    3rd' this will grow the club.

    4th the G.L A.S. and R.Combat will benefits for a little bit of slack for newbies.

    This proposal would only cover glas but maybe only cover glas. But what does rc warship think?

    Saranac was great!!! Kenny thanks everyone who was there.

    And by the way I ain't a newbe. I will sink!,, I mean sink you next year.
  3. kgaigalas

    kgaigalas Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2015
    Grand Rapids, Michigan
    We should follow club rules
    The hope is that people outside of GLAS will attend battles
  4. Captain obvious

    Captain obvious Active Member

    Jul 19, 2016
    Hastings, MI
    Thanks for the great time guys.
  5. WillCover

    WillCover -->> C T D <<--

    Nov 1, 2009
    Harrison, Michigan
    Kas' missing search light 97.JPG 98.JPG 99.JPG 100.JPG 101.JPG

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    NickMyers, Beaver and Panzer like this.
  6. NickMyers

    NickMyers Admin RCWC Staff

    Nov 15, 2007
    Federal Way, WA
    ricochet or really shooting high?
  7. NickMyers

    NickMyers Admin RCWC Staff

    Nov 15, 2007
    Federal Way, WA
    I'm not a fan, and here is why...
    I think if you are going to build a training wheels ship, it should be one that
    1) Doesn't majorly impact a battle despite its advantages - so low unit count
    2) Is still sinkable - letting someone play with an unsinkable ship just sends the wrong message IMO
    3) Is a ship that people will want to upgrade out of - if you make an invincible super ship why would someone want to stop sailing it?

    I do not think other captains at the pond are going to be very happy letting an invincible super ship run around in the sortie.

    I don't see "challenge of fighting, Protecting and training an unsinkable newbe" here. There is no point in fighting them, I can't sink them. They don't need protection, they can;t be sunk. AN unsinkable ship that goes faster than it should doesn't train them for anything besides hydroplane and deep-vee racing IMO.

    Locally we have a monitor that was built mostly solid as a training ship for a members young son. Its slow, 1 gun, and very difficult to sink. I'm still not a big fan of the nearly solid sides, but I am willing to play with it because it is sinkable and because it isn't a super-ship.
  8. Maxspin

    Maxspin -->> C T D <<--

    Jul 30, 2014
    Yelm, Washington
    I see a collision with a heel over. I am impressed with the quick thinking to take advantage of the situation and remove said spotlight.
  9. Kenny

    Kenny New Member

    Jul 7, 2016
    9 Barberry, Nunica,Mich.
    You misunderstand so hear me out sir.

    I have a lot of rc aircraft experience but even I had difficulty in my first battle ( many holes, my bad). I spent a lot of time on repairs which is no big deal to me. However it might be very discouraging to someone with no experience and that could turn that person away.

    Allow me to re propose. The training wheel is simply a three ply one -thirtytwo balsa that is simply duct taped to the boat for one complete battle only. the next battle they are in it just like everyone else.

    1This will help them to know the basics of what to do and what not to do.
    2 the hits can still be scored can't they? After all how much damage can a new guy do?
    3 By reading the forums I can see that just like rc aviation rc warship is as social as it is competitive and social at the beginning is very important to retain a new member.

    To conclude, the guys at Sarranac were awesome. I had lots of help and a great day. The previous suggestion is just input and idea's from a new guy.

    Nick you and Kas had better get comfortable telli56ng Kenny NO!!
  10. NickMyers

    NickMyers Admin RCWC Staff

    Nov 15, 2007
    Federal Way, WA
    couple thoughts on that...

    first is that some of the burden is going to be on the local club as to how they opt to welcome newbies. Many groups will attempt to 'soft land' a new guy, and won't hammer on them (in non major events). Most of us believe that saying "oh! fresh meat!" and tearing you apart your first day on the water is bad for business. With not many ships on the water though it can be hard to have a different result.

    second is that this is probably the sort of thing why a cruiser is a commonly suggested first boat, it is a lot harder to get yourself in trouble and full of holes if your only guns point off the backside and you're a 24second ship. You can get into a lot of trouble very fast with a slower ship or one with sidemounts that you're trying to use.
  11. Captain obvious

    Captain obvious Active Member

    Jul 19, 2016
    Hastings, MI
    Just to let you guys know I did dig out my NC hull and started the work of refitting it as well. Ok so I started taking off the old balsa and then daydreamed about the end product. This will need a ton of work but that is ok. I think that I need to start with a clean slate and that includes the super and even cap rail. No idea what happened to the radio or pump, and the motors and servos are seized after having not been cleaned out after the last battle. I forgot. Sorry. I will go stand in the corner now.
    WillCover likes this.
  12. Panzer

    Panzer Iron Dog Shipwerks and CiderHaus

    Mar 27, 2013
    Hell, MI
    Sweet , I see a build thread in your future! Woot! love a good build thread!:)
  13. Kenny

    Kenny New Member

    Jul 7, 2016
    9 Barberry, Nunica,Mich.
    You got all winter to figure it out and get the N.C. to be sunk by the S.C. don't ya?
  14. Captain obvious

    Captain obvious Active Member

    Jul 19, 2016
    Hastings, MI
    Have a build thread going for the moggy right now.

    As for sinking, I hope not. I don't plan on it anyway.