Tug, First, let me say well done with this entire thread. I've just read it for the first time this week (been down sick and catching up on my reading), and it has been both entertaining and informative. I do have a question regarding the replacement motors you selected as the drive motors on pg 18. The link you posted no longer goes to the page in question (the hazard of an old thread). Could you post the specs for this so someone could find something equivalent? Many thanks!
I totally need to focus on a few projects and get things done I will be sending Edgar to live with Darth Kessler as a loaner boat, once it's done. He's moving to be closer to the cool kids, I mean new job, and since he'll be like 3 hours north of me, it's in my best interest to help him recruit a battle group up there so I can get some close-by 'away games'. I have the motor and ESC, need to print new pump and get the wiring done. Kess must come to the May battle to pick up his recruiting ship Or I sell it for pizza money
Close to you! But not close enough that you'll need deodorant I hope you're going to make the March battle
Did this just die? I was all set to see how you completed the build, and the internal setup. Since I just acquired one of these from Ship Crazy, I am looking into what I need to complete it and where the best options for gun placement are.
Just finished reading this entire thread and plan on reading the other lessons that you have sprinkled throughout. I would like to learn how to build the guns you talked about and also the pump you mentioned. I am going to build a fiberglass hull destroyer and a wooden hulled heavy cruiser. I have never done a wooden hull so this thread was a huge help. It answered a ton of questions before I had a chance to ask them. I may be sending you pictures and asking advice as I move along. Was hoping to see super structure but I understand the life thing. Good luck with the health and thanks for all the information.
Dont think anyone has converted and linked them locally, but... http://3dhistory.de/wordpress/warsh...h-cruiser-milan-as-build-1884-2-2-2-2-2-18-2/ you'll need to scale and convert to PDF yourself
Thank you sir, im going to start this build soon as my first ship, and im just trying to get everything together
the fins on the bottom side of the hull, how would u add those in the the construction? notch the frame? if so which ribs? and how far in
If you want to see what if anything they do, wait and build the hull without them. Then get some right angle plastic from the hobby shop and glue it to the hull. You can experiment by gluing on flat plastic in different widths to see if it does anything.
bilge keels slow down the rate of roll, if your ship is unstable. They do *not* reduce your maximum list, only the rate at which your ship swings back and forth like a pendulum. They are usually not included on larger, flat-bottomed ships like battleships because those don't rock much, but round-bottomed ships like cruisers and destroyers can benefit if you are unable to reduce top-weight any more. Also, scale size bilge keels are too small to do much on a 1:144 scale warship, but double scale provides a very noticeable improvement. The one example I saw, a guy cut his ship's natural rolling frequency in half by gluing balsa wood bilge keels on, turning his torpedo-cruiser into a usable warship. In summary, your ship almost certainly doesn't need bilge keels., but you can always add them later if you really want.
Where do the lessons/the thread continue? Plus, THIS SHOULD BE TAGGED, right below Mike ‘s Béarn. Anybody home?? MODERATORS??
Guns are in a separate lesson, should be somewhere here:https://rcwarshipcombat.com/threads/mwu-offense-101-the-geek-breech-cannon.441925/ Everything else? No idea...