Scale armor idea

Discussion in 'Construction' started by Nathan Carpenter, Feb 19, 2015.

  1. Nathan Carpenter

    Nathan Carpenter Member

    Feb 16, 2015
    Well figured I would write an update. I went to lowes yesterday and picked up a vinyl tile and tested out using a heat gun rated @ 1040 degree's to heat it up and tried thinning the tile out with a hammer because I don't have a pasta maker yet. My results was I thinned the material from 0.125 to 0.70 I couldn't thin it any more then that. The material was noticeably harder from either the heat or the hammering / compression. My concern now is I think the hardness after the thinning process may make the material to brittle and will simply crack or shatter from impacts. I'm going to test it with a bb pistol to and post pics of the results when I get the time.