Hot hot hot! Just posted ... The IRCWCC Southeastern Spring Regional Date: April 29 - March 1, 2011 Place: The gorgeous Oakboro Pond in Oakboro, NC Additional Notes: 3 Day Battle. Motel is the Quality Inn in Albemarle NC which is 15 miles away but an exceptionally easy drive. Ask for Model Boat club when reserving rooms. It is directly across the street from Lowes and Walmart and among a bunch of restaurants and right beside a Sonic for those Ice Cream cravings. Quality Inn Phone number is 704 983-6990. This is one you do not want to miss! The 2010 SE Fall Regional drew around 25 captains from all over. The battling was fierce yet the competition friendly. After three days of battling between Axis and Allies, no clear winner emerged from the carnage and multiple sinks. Will one side dominate this battle? Will it set the tone for the 2011 IRCWCC Nationals to be held at the same pond in July? Come find out! EDIT: Changed Date
I will be there. Not sure what I'll be driving, but I will be there. Just became a paid member of the IRCWCC and I'm going to have some fun this year with the NC guys.
I'm gonna try and be always, the all mighty $ or lack there of holds sway. Hey Clark, maybe we can run cruisers together and sink anyone in our path!...or behind our path anyway.
Maybe BOTH, Ralph! I will also try to make it to the Northern Fall Regional battle. We'll see what the schedule holds. Speaking of which, the website still shows last year's schedule; when and where is the Northern Fall Regional? Definately going to Nats. Decided to join IRC this year since the battles are closer. For any MWC friends reading this, it isn't a comment on people or rules or anything, just geography and finance. I like my friends in both clubs
Tentively planning on making the SE spring regional. Should have the VU and Moggy both operational. Steve
Bare minimum I'll have KGV, Jean Fromage (Edgar Quinet class), and Lil Scharnie to choose from. Baden refit might happen, though.
The HMS Erin and FN Verite will be there. Other possible ships may include the FN Mogador, a USS Omaha, or a FNS Jean Bart ... which ever one I decide to finish.
I've been told that IRC is axis-dominated; while this warms the cockles of my lil Axis heart, I don't want to show up and add to the overwhelming force... Have to see...
It is my intention this year to field a NC when it is needed, the motovation is to make it so good that NC gets to be voted down to a 4 unit BB.
That's freakin' COOL. Best attitude ever. How many US BBs are there in IRC? I remember that in MWC we had a rash of them; I had been thinking about building an NC in '07 after going to tour the ship in Wilmington, but there were like 10 or 12 at MWC Nats that year. Got good plans for SoDak and Nevada (BB-36), too. Got Iowa, but not sure if I want to lift something that big
Is that necessarily a bad thing? Some of the local battles I've heard about axis having several Bismarcks, no word on Yamatos, though. I guess if there will be Iowas at Nats, my Musashi could have fun playing with kids its own size...
The Yams (mine and Platos) have been a regular at the IRCWCC nats for a couple of years now. And yes you don't hear much about them, we don't type much. But I can safely say that the Allied would rather not see them next year.
As the MWC Allies found out in 2008, it is possible to have too many BBs and not enough smaller sidemount ships. IRCWCC Axis has a good mix of ships which is one of the reasons they are winning NATS the past 5 years.
I was trying to get a feeling for the flavor of where I would be battling Did anyone think I was implying that I thought that ship selection trumped captain skill? After all this time?