time to waterproof!. servos are done and i'm just going to try coating the receiver in paint on electrical tape. does the LiPo battery need waterproofing?
The paint on electrical tape isn't a good method of water proofing electronics. It doesn't bond properly to all surfaces, and those that it does not bond to, it will hold water to when it does leak.
For sure. Go with Skotchkote.... any money and convenience saved now will only end in a wrecked receiver, and a non functional ship later. That old adage "you can pay me now, or you can pay me later" is really spot on in this circumstance.
Where would i find Skotchkote in a store. i have problems paying $10 in shipping for a $30 dollar item... and getting it 3 weeks later.
well my father introduced my radio to the prop of his rc plane so i gotta get it fixed before mar 1 but other than that no delays on the Shima. just need plans to arrive to drop in the turret and build my 2 superstructure parts that are left.
plans arrived and i found i had another cannon where i didn't think i did so now i can get a stern gun.... if i do some modifications. but i think the bb would feed better after modification than they would before. also moves some stuff around(esc battery) but leaves my fire control where i have installed it already. and make the cannon significantly less vunerable to bb damage. it was going to have to have the 1/16 air inlet touching the internal bb deflector in the forward section. if i move it i might also have room to stick a pump in under one of the funnels. metal bit is where the actuator is mounted currently.... i don't really have anywhere else to move it that is the height of the rear turret i think i want to move the gun to once i build the rest of the ss around it. current position of the gun Gun will sit right between my motors in the rear configuration.
Looked at some pictures of Shimakaze... If you mount the gun in the aft deckhouse w/ the gun barrel running through & out the face of the aft turret, I think you'd be much happier w/ performance. Aiming stern guns in the hobby is FAR easier than bow guns. Not to mention safer as you are positioned to run away quickly!
gun is going to go in the aft deckhouse now. just need to route a channel in the deck for the gun to sit in and chip out some of the keel so the gun sits right( really tight fit ). do i want the gun pointing dead astern or about 5 degrees to one side?
Dead astern. Aiming is done by positioning the hull, so trying to figure out an off-axis gun would be difficult from 40 feet away pond-side
Placed the aft deckhouse today and positioned the gun... have to be careful not to shoot my own stern. Did the routing to have the deck set level just didn't retake the picture.. and most of the pvc barbetts need sanded down to about half of what they are.
hopefully it warms back up again tommorow and i can finish my boat. garage has an uninsulated 10x12 door so i gets cold in there. then i need to find about 3 more fittings and get a gage for pressure testing of the cannon system after i finish mounting it but it has to warm up enough for the urathane to dry to reseal the deck from all the drain holes i've cut to prevent pooling in the hollow SS.
If that's your firing servo waaay up in the bow, you will not be happy with your gun performance. Long, large-diameter hose to the gun will suck the power out of your shots because it'll take forever to fill to full pressure, and it'll also dramatically reduce the number of shots per cartridge.
I don't know where else to stick it at the moment. If I can find a better place to put it with some help saturday i will. SS is finished. at least as much as will be done with it untill it gets some balsa and float testing.
after putting my finished top deck+gunmount back in I might have found a new place for the servo and poppit. Just swap my regulator and the poppit and i loose almost 6 inches of hose. if i move everything and figure out what motor tugboat showed me last time that was short enough to fit under the deck i might even be able to get a pump back in again.