I started a new thread to avoid hijacking the thread on allowed dates. In short, I offered to modify the Treaty ship for 1/96 scale, speeds (when decided), and eliminate the hypotheticals that Battlestations doesn't allow. I realize no ship list can be all inclusive, but I thought a reference of ~ 700 ships was a good start. Below is a list of the hypotheticals currently in the list. Some I know were built, but not finished within the allowable dates, others are there because they were ordered by one country but used by a different one. I just need to know which ones to delete. Minor correction made to list Feb 2019...
Thats awesome, I had thought about changing the formula on your shiplist for the length, beam, but I was unsure of the weight calculations, and am a bit rusty on formulas of if value equals blah blah blah, your diligence as always, is appreciated P.S. the molded parts are awesome!
Not too hard Here's the entire ship list. To be complete, I need to know which hypotheticals to delete and what speed chart you plan to use (currently it's set for 30=30). There is also a slight glitch in the armor calculation, since it interprets a "?" as having greater than 12" armor. Once the changes are made, I can also post an Excel file which can be sorted and queried.
I think we need to amend the shiplist in one small detail... the Gato/Balao/Tench entry has them armed with a 3" gun. Some carried 4" guns and some carried 5".
Hey, don't forget these Russian beauties: Iperator Nikolai I DN http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_battleship_Imperator_Nikolai_I_(1916) Borodino Class BC http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Borodino_class_battlecruiser I do wish that my local club was part of an origanization that allowed these vessels.