I'm getting ready to add some pre-Dreadnaughts to the ship list and I'm having trouble finding the most current list. I've found three different files on R/C Naval Combat, but none of them have the columns for gun size or pump capacity. Wasn't this added by Dustin? Help
I checked my original and I did not add scale gun size or pump capacity. We can always add those tables. I think I got discouraged with torpedo load-outs and stopped working on the list.
The gun sizes will be the same as the big-gun rules. I would imagine the pump capacities are the same as well.
Well if Dustin didn't add the gun size and pump capacities then I must have, since my working copy of the ship list has those columns. I'm still confused, but I think I at least have the most up to date copy of the ship list so that I can make my pre-dred updates. I've updated the link on the first post to point to the latest excel version of the ship list.
One thing I would point out is that the Breslau, like many of the early German light cruisers of WW1 were rearmed with a lesser number of 5.9" guns replacing the 4.1" guns. And yes that is a hint.
I have pinned the shiplist thread, so that it joins the rules tread and members thread. What I want to do in the near future is revisit what exactly is in the rules (since the talk and decisions are spread thru the several page thread) and get a single stickied rules post, that gets updated but does not have discussion cluttering the rules.
Is this shiplist current or being added to as you guys go along? I am interested in all facets of this hobby, but my memory and my lack of math skills confound me. I have already started building one ship in 1/144 and would be interested in building bigger and or different time frame ships. My brother lives on a lake so that gives me quite the space to at least float anything that I build. And I don't mind building and taking the time to build learning and hopefully retaining also. If anything I have always enjoyed military history and this kinda fits the bill for reading alot of stuff that I normally wouldn't get around to browsing. I noticed on the list that there was no hms suffolk (55) listed and in regards to that would it just mean that all country class cruisers (Kent, London, Norfolk, and York) are included and just need to change things in regards to their general characteristics. Thanks
Is there something wrong with the ship list? Every time I click on it, it says that the resource can not be found. Beaver
I added an Excel file to the first post so you can sort and filter it. It's the Battlestations Ship List.zip file.
All three were commissioned until 1919. Oregon served during WWII and was not scrapped until 1958. Illinois Class is listed but were launched 1898.
Yes. IRCWCC is 1/144 Scale. I’m looking at building the Indiana Class (BB 1-3) in 1/96 scale. Hence the reference to this battlestations list.
Ooops, my bad - I was referring to the IRCWCC; I hadn't noticed the Battlestations heading, so ignore my ramblings
You found a typo. The Indiana class is incorrectly labeled the Indianapolis class. I looks like I wasn't paying attention when typing and got caught by Microsoft's autofill feature. Updated file put in first post.