Ok so first water test went great but after that my throttle causes my pump and gun servo to function i disconnected my motors and that didn't help any body have any idea of what I should be looking for?
so to help with this, , please let us know, transmitter, receiver, when/how did symptom start. channels each is connected to
Ok so transmitter mc6s and receiver E6-a are both microzone my esc is a viper marine 15 amp powered by 6v 50000mah nmhi and 3 unknown Johnson brushed motors originally kas and craig had it running fine when I started to mark the water line and balance it is when the problem started esc plugs in three I think rudder is four and use slot two for pump switch and fire control
I did use a friends pool to find the water line I also to eliminate the rx switched out and tested with my new one will replace the tx batteries after work and try again
Punctuation is your friend. Take out the ESC and see how everything works. Mtronics ESCs have been known to cause strange interference with other systems plugged into the receiver even if you have already disconnected the RX-ESC power connection. It seems that some Mtronics can produce feedback on the ground line which some servos/electronics are impacted by and some aren't. I haven't seen this with other brands of ESCs.
I have several esc's we can swap in and test it with. Ill see you tomorrow after work and we can do testing than.
Does the interaction occur on exactly 3 channels? If so, see if you have helicopter ccpm mixing turned on
Not so tech savvy but I will check after work. Think my batteries in the transmitter are getting weak also. Not so sure if that could play any part
So upon further investigation i don't even know how to turn the mixing thing on or off from what I gather from the transmitter unless set for helicopters there is no access to that function. Guessing the problem lies with the esc.. Sad face
So it may have a default setting where the mix is turned on. For giggles i went through all the helicopter settings all four setups turned off that feature and I owe Greg a lot of beer when nationals comes back this way THANK YOU EVERYONE!!! KNOCK ON WOOD IT HAS STOPPED. My question is why did it take so long to activate? I'm off to the pool to try again tomorrow