anyone here actually use it. i got it as it was $50 with a student id not the $140 that solidworks is but i'm reallly missing my sweeps....... how do you actually sweep in sketchup regardless how many tutorials i watch mine just won't work the same way. it grabs things so weird it is painfull..... trying to model a shimakaze and possibly break it in 2 to see how much it would cost to have 3d printed at shapeway. probably wayyy to much but having the model will be handy regardless
sweeping... forming a 3d object by "sweeping" a 2d outline along a line, curve, etc. This may include shape changes, size changes, etc. along the way. Properly done, it can be very helpful for forming a 3d hull. I don't know how to do it in sketchup either, that may be a feature only available in the full version. Then again, I still have a lot to learn about sketchup...
Haven't done that in Sketchup, although I can do it in my real CAD program. Real CAD much harder to use than Sketchup, though.
as far as i can tell in sketchup you can do a follow me sweep but cannot change the angle without alot of manual input.