Man that is lame. The Axis smack is getting lamer and lamer. You should raise the white flag now. Save your self the embarrasement of defeat.
Lame!? LAME!?!? That is Grade A, first rate, way better than Allies deserve, SMACK!! I understand that you Allies don't get it and I know what the problem is. From now on I will type nice and slow because I know you can't read very fast. That should help you out immensely, wait sorry, that should help you out ‘a lot’. And so we can all compare SMACK, I will add a quote from the best Allied SMACK. Here we go, " ". Pretty much what we all know... As far as raising the white flag, what do you think we are French?? The only white flag we Axis raise have either the Rising Sun or the Kriegsmarine insignia!! J
Ah. The reason the Axis never raises the white flag is because they keep loosing the flag everytime they sink. It has gotten so bad that they had to resort to using flags such as Rising Sun and Kriegsmarine. The French on the other hand never looses a white flag. They know exactly where the flag is.
Well the Main French Battle white flag is on the main mast, for all the world to see. I know that each and every member of the crew was issued one to ensure they would never run out! J
Sorry, I forgot...(typing verrrrrrry slow for the Allies) Axis rule and Allies drool! J P.S. Man, it's hard typing so slow that the Homer Simpsons of the RC Naval Combat world (Allies) can keep up!
OH MAN!! So what you are saying is I have to type even slower!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? I'll just get the dog to do it. J
Also, we Allies prefer the Axis to keep blowing hot air to keep us warm during this winter's cool weather. If the Allies start hitting back, then the Axis will tuck tail (as usual) and run. We would loose a major source of heat ... although it would reduce global warming if they did stop.
I 've figured it out! The Allies type as fast as they read!! The Allies may use disdain, we axis use BBs on the Allies. Works better for us. Wrap up tight Mike, it's cold on the bottom!! J
Serious Talk: Nikki, please don't take this hard, but this is a part of the pool you should probably stay out of. Back to Smack! : The Allied forces are very clearly slow to respond because they are busily drawing plans for their new super weapon to bail them out. I have obtained early information and images of their work in progress.
Actually, that is a device to lift sunk Axis ships off the bottom of the pond. There are so many Axis ships denting up the bottom of the pond that Allied ships can't sink ... we simply ground on the pile of underwater Axis hulls. The EPA keeps sending us notices to clean up the mess we made after each battle.
Well, if the EPA is sending you notices about your messes, I would suggest you Allies start wearing diapers, at least when you are in combat against the Mighty Awesomeness of the All-Powerful, Highly Revered, Universally Loved and Respected AXIS fleet!!!!!! THAT way, when we scare the crap out of you it will not only be less messy but you won't have to be any more embarrassed then you already are (just for being Allied) J
Whoa, hold on there, Jay! You mean to tell me that the Allies still have crap that can be scared out of them, even after our last encounter? Clearly I haven't been trying hard enough. OK all you Allies... you'd better watch out because BOO!
Well Kotori, as far as I know, the Allies have an unending supply because they are full of it!! You hear it every time they open their mouths. Blah Blah Crap Crap BLah CRap AXIS Ship Coming! CRAp CRAP! CRAP!! OH CRAP!!!!!! RUN AWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! MOMMMMMMMMMMYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!! J
Axis smack is so old and feeble that they should be wearing depends. This way it prevents accdents when they encounter real ships