It's sad really, very, very sad. The way delusional (allied) minds work. I suppose we should be thankful they (allied minds) work at all. Paul 'Allied' is spelled A-L-L-I-E-D, not A-X-I-S. It' s ok, we understand, it's ok. J
Lord of the Rings Trilogy is to the Axis as Mchale's Navy is to the Allies. Epic Win: Having an Axis Boat and going for a victory lap. Epic Fail: Walk of shame for your allied garbage scow. Oh to be Axis or not to be Axis? Should we really ask? There is nothing better than blowing holes in English/American balsa. When a shark approaches while swimming: Axis) Swims towards its foe and mighty defeats it in hand to fin combat, bringing back its jaws as a trophy! Allied) Craps their trunks, pulls off their floaties and attempts to dog paddle to shore.... they fail. This shark was axis. There. I've said what I 've come to say....the Allies can copy and paste this if they like, rewording things to make them sound more appealing to yourselves. It won't matter, the germans only needed three salvos to sink your British flagship. Took you two hours to get the Bismarck! Superior. I say good day. Sparrow.
True. One is based on fiction, and has nothing to do with naval expertise and is filled with weirdos. AXIS. The other is based on actual events, is naval based and displays quick wits and getting the upper hand over their adversaries. ALLIED. Thank you for clearing that up. As for the flagship thing? Yup, real brave of the axis, shooting up an aging battlecruiser with a brand new battleship, but the allies had the final word in that argument too, didn't they?
There is one thing that you are forgetting Darren, the epic awesomeness of all involved in this heart-warming Axis production and the star of the embarrassing Allied poor excuse of cinematography used to regularly sleep with Rosanne Barr!!!!!!! Nuf Said (I am leaving the aging battlecruiser bit alone because I know the Allies get really offended when we mention it, even though the aging battlecruiser was refitted and the same aging battlecruiser fired first!)
Not to mention lauched from a slow moving obsolete biplane that the Germans simply couldn't shoot down. Heh.
Let's see. Slow, obsolete bi-planes help cripple the pride of the Axis fleet. It showed how great German gunnery was. It couldnt shoot down a bi-plane.
Heh. And how many shells did the "mighty" Bismarck hit the Rodney with, while Rodney pounded it into a flaming wreck?
well, how many Allied ships did it take to sink just one Axis capital ship? More than it took Axis ships to sink Allied, true or not? J
Ah, but according to axis history, Bismarck was scuttled, no? Therefore, it didn't take ANY allied ships to sink Bismarck, it sank out of fear.
The fact is the inept Allied forces were unable to do the job, (something we are ALL very, very used to), and the Axis had to show them how it was done, (again, something we are ALL very, very used to). It is common knowledge that the only way to sink an Axis ship is to have the Axis do it because EVERYONE knows the Allies sure can't. We do this to stop the incessant and continuous whinning coming from the Allies. J
Pfffft! So, you admit that the axis abandoned their hopeless struggle, chose self-destruction in the face of superior allied forces, and choose to call it an object lesson? Teach on, we find this quite amusing. What's next, a class in running away from the Italian navy? Special lessons regarding how to choose your freinds from the French? HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
Ah Darren, Darren, Darren, hear you nothing that I say? Here, take these (hands Darren two Q-tips), now clean out your ears so you can hear properly. And while we are at it give me those (take Allied standard issue rose coloured glasses away) and use these instead (hands Darren a set of glasses that will allow him to see reality, not Allied fantasy land ) . Come on Darrren, there is no little fellow pointing to the sky and yelling "the plane!, the plane!. This is the real world where the Axis rule and the Allies well, drool, while sitting in a corner, wearing a hockey helmet, muttering incoherantly, trying not to mess their diapers while a big burly attendant gives them a new bib for the aforementioned drool. J
Sorry but my hearing is fine. No need to repeat yourself. Perhaps you should take your meds? Your axis OCD is showing. The rose coloured glasses are simply to allow us to retain our night vision whilst pummeling your hapless axis rustbuckets with radar guided fire. Opticals are old hat. BTW, that plane your little Vichy Frenchman has seen is a Walrus and that thunderstorm on the horizon is the smoke from allied gunfire on it's way to spoil your day. In the AusBG, Allies rule the waves and the axis tries to waive the sad. Ok, go ahead, use your tired excuses and deny it, but history shows and the french and italians know: the only way to win as an axis skipper is to change sides.
I will concede that the thunderstorm on the horizon is noise and smoke from the mighty Allied fleet, except the thunder is from the explosions and the smoke is from the fires of burning Allied scrap as it makes it's way home, to the bottom. Blue lenses are better than red to retain night vision, which explains why the Allies were so poor at night fighting, but they still aren't rose coloured. I understand that you live along the "Denial River", as long as you Allies are happy there, we support you. Besides this way, the Allies will keep coming out and getting sunk by the vastly superior Axis Fleet!!! And I don't need meds anymore, since I have been in therapy I am fine, and my therapy is sending Allies to the bottom and I go to therapy alot!!!! J
I'm sure you are familiar with blue lenses... It is the portion of the color spectrum axis are most familiar with. That whole looking UP at the water's surface factor! Das Butts ignore my Austrian pre-dreadnought build;-)