looks good to me. BTW don't worry about not having the shafts toed in. you have your stuff set up like I have Idaho set up
Hull is on the home stretch. Second roll of plastic has been opened and she is exactly half way! Banana for scale.
So minor issue. Not sure how my measurements go away from me, but it is overall just a touch over 1/4" too long according to the IRCWW length allowance rules (59" overall vs 57.5+2% or 58.65") The beam is within spec. (7.91") Thoughts? I dont want to show up with this thing in Hagerstown only for someone to be "nope, its a hair too long"
I doubt it would ever be an issue but seems like it would be a lot easier to fix now and never worry about it than run the risk of running an illegal boat and hoping it never comes up/nobody ever cares. Also fixing it later would probably be a royal PITA.
Generally that kind of issue is caused by whatever you scaled your source plans off of. Example, when I did the plastic cruiser kit my first prototype I had scaled the whole design based on the beam of the ship. Turns out our ship list beam is rather generous (wrong) for the cruiser that I had modeled, so scaling the whole ship off of that measurement made the ship an inch and 3/4 too long which perplexed me for the longest time until I took a good look at the actual measurements on the plans versus the ship list. If you brought that ship completely built to a regional, nobody is going to complain about it being a quarter inch too long. Nationals might be a different story, but considering you are new, it's a prototype, I'm sure that the assembled captains wouldn't have that big of an issue with it. The inch and 3/4 too long cruiser was allowed to battle. All in all, looking sharp. You should come down for one of my build sessions, would be fun to compare notes on 3D printed ships and you could check out the plastic cruisers and the plastic Queen Elizabeth.
What I did was take the 350 scale plans I had to Kinkos to have a digital scan created, imported that to fusion and then COMPLETELY FORGOT TO SCALE IT UP (insert 1980's sitcom laugh track). So I built the entire thing off 350 scale. Realizing my mistake I did some math and used Fusions scale function to blow up the already solid model. You can see where my maths went off course :-D I should say, my maths were good, Fusions scaling might be a little bit suspect. I was able to cut about 1/2" out of the center between two ribs and none the wiser. Going back to the rudder. The rules state that all props/shafts and rudders must be present. So I am going to keep the front rudder but make a plug for the hole as well. CMA type of deal.
There are two sections on the printer right now, leaving the motor and rudder servo section left. I’m waiting to print that because I have heat set threaded inserts that I need to model and they arrive on Weds. It is just about a month out and I have so much left to do…
If I know the Maryland guys half as well as I think they will move mountains to get you on the water. And we always have extra boats. We can battle all day and build half the night. To old for the up all night stuff
Honestly it’ll probably be doing sea trials but wont be able to battle. I know I can get it in the water by then. Even though the guns are used and should be good, having the firing circuits ready and tested will be another story.