Running behind with the BC solenoid and NPT regulator projects So far, I have the SS printed plus a few other additions. Soon I will be free to finish her as I would like to use it for the fall battle.
I can only assume this has something to do with why the KIPs have been out of stock since I've gotten into this mess.
Which probably has something to do with the folk who make the KIP noids wanting around 100/each for them..
Need to speak with Polarstar here in the US. Those guys make the go to solenoid systems for airsoft hpa use.
BC carried Kips as a convenience for customers with little to no margin. Last price quote was $63 each and an MOQ I think was 25. I feel this is simply an unreasonable overhead. I have designed one similar in design and size with Aluminum base. I am testing prototypes now and the BC solenoid will be far less than Kips. Offered in custom voltages 6,12....... Details will be available soon. We are hoping for a fall release OK back to the build thread
Ok its been a while but being I plan to have here at a battle in a couple weeks I needed to git'r done. Added a picatinny style quick remove system to Pump mount and Electronics console. Both now slide in/out with easy to keep my modular design scheme. The E console houses encapsulated Dual, Single, and SBEC in the bottom in a cylinder shape. Front is a 40amp pump relay circuit and Hobbywing ESC. the gold tabs is the+/- buss. it also houses 3 cannon test switches and RX on top
Another masterpiece by Charley. This ship just looks too clean inside. My ships are too embarrassed to take to the water on the same pond. Nicely done.
Thanks John! even taking a break from the hobby for nearly 10 years I find I still do the same things
Armor is installed with cable ways added. Hull skin is being added, i must say this hull sheets nicely
Hey I was wondering what painting the interior black does for you other then a clean look? Does it help with water proofing perhaps?