I am looking for a set plans for the Westfalen. John's boat has inspired me to think about having one. Does anyone know where I can get a good set. I know Geof has them but have been told it only has limited hull stations. Thanks Kim
Try Taubman's. The ANB series is good but pricey. They are usually in 1/100 but it is easy to get them resized at Kinkos or the like.
What do you need them for? If you are building a ship for this hobby I recommend the fiberglass hulls the guys in Canada sell (or whoever has those molds now). It is not 100% scale accurate but it is consistent with Taubman's plans... plus the inaccuracies actually give you a little more room for equipment. The Taubman plans show a more square hull than the ships actually had. If you want a scale accurate hull I have some low resolution scans of some of the build plans for SMS Nassau... they are at home. If you want them send me an email (mabgfounder@gmail.com) and remind me to get you a set. If you are building Westfalen for Big Guns be warned... it is a challenging build. I finished building one (ok... it still needs a superstructure) last summer... I've not posted anything in a while but some details can be found at mabg.org.
Look to the Russians! http://www.wunderwaffe.narod.ru/Mag.../index.htm http://www.wunderwaffe.narod.ru/Mag.../index.htm Steve T.
Thank you guys this really helps. I was very impressed by John S. Westfalen the many times that I battled against her. The russian plans look great. As for the fiberglass hull, I think Bob sold the mold. Does anyone know were it ended up? Thank You again Kim
Mark Kuntz of the Ontario Attack Force has the Nassau (aka Westfalen) mold. You can contact him at http://ontarioattackforce.multiply.com/ Cheers,
The Westfalen is a tricky ship to build. Very short so very limited space for a lot of gear. I spent much of the last year sinking by simply going too fast (less that allowed speed). I put light weight co2 tank in to lift the bow and that helps a lot.