Alabama Chris.... it will rule the waves.... oh wait... maybe I meant something else.... drool on... maybe.... ummmm ya. So Paul... how is the sinking ship?
Sinking ship? you must be deluded. oh right it is all that cold weather. it is 29 and sunny. how is it there. the bama is completing tests of the pneumatics when i return and installing a new rudder servo. Then it it will be time for water tests
Update. I am still having issues with pressure on the disconnects. Does anyone have any hose available as I might make it a fixed regulator. I am going to try and clamp down some hoses to see if that works.
I yawn at the hammer. It should be known as the hammered as my triples will hammer on the BIS's balsa
I have a set of rudders but I did not need them. It is the servo that has gone wonky. The current one can barely move the rudders. I would be lucky if I got 10 degrees of movement.