Hey Guys, Last weekend at our last battle I had a solenoid fail, it tested okay on the bench the night before although it was when I was low on pressure in my 3.5 oz tank. So at full pressure it wouldn't open or operate, but after turning off the tank firing the other cannon it would work again just before the pressure was down to nothing. Someone suggested to switch the pistons around and see if there was any change, I did and the only change was the other Solenoid didn't work under normal pressure. Okay, I guess the piston is bad, but why? And does anybody know where I can get replacements? Thanks
RE: Soleniods, problems and questions Is it a KIP or Clippard solenoid? If a Clippard, is it a MME or a Mouse?
RE: Soleniods, problems and questions The indention on the piston eventually gets too deep to unseat reliably. Welcome to Kip ownership, be sure to keep a few pistons on hand.
RE: Soleniods, problems and questions That could also be a voltage problem or a problem in the coil if you tried a different piston from a working solenoid and there was still a problem. If you need new pistons got to http://www.dultmeier.com/search.asp?advanced=yes&manu=KIP/NORG part number: KIPA3X293VV or KIPA3X293
RE: Soleniods, problems and questions By the indention do you mean the small hard rubber piece on the end of the piston, if so it had already been changed out. And I don't think it was a voltage problem as the problem followed the piston. Any other ideas?
RE: Soleniods, problems and questions Once the rubber or viton pad on the end of the piston develops an indention it gets deeper over time. Then it doesnt work as well or not at all. I have all buna pistons go bad before I had even use them. I have since had one red viton piston go bad in less than a year while the others worked. Did you replace the rubber pad on the piston or replace the piston?
RE: Soleniods, problems and questions I didn't replace the rubber pad, just turned it over and it work pretty good a month ago.
RE: Soleniods, problems and questions Thats a first for me... Haha I just replace the piston and it works for a while.
RE: Soleniods, problems and questions Well that's what I'll do the, thanks snipehunter for the part numbers. I'll check it out when I get home. Thanks again
RE: Soleniods, problems and questions Battlers Connection also has them if you want to include them on your next order. I was going to order elsewhere but it was about the same price.
RE: Soleniods, problems and questions Hey Johnny, What's the defference in the KIPA3X293 and the KIPA3X293VV?
RE: Soleniods, problems and questions The VV is the red viton that holds up better in heat. I have the red viton's now. The black epr seat on the plunger is too soft, according my experience, for our uses. I believe the repair kit has the o-rings and the plunger but you should confirm that with them. I still have the EPR o-rings and they worked fine at the Tangler. Johnny
RE: Soleniods, problems and questions The Vitron is not affected by chemicals, the buna breaks down when any petro based product gets on it, oil, grease, so on.