Hey Mike, Which Town Class? The WWI era or the WWII era? Mikey has my old Anatomy of the ship Belfast. That has all the ribs and such in it. We can lay that up.
I'm not interested in getting another cruiser started until the Tone is finished. I just wanted to see if there were any sources out there in case I decide to do the Sheffield some day.
Hey Tug, There were Town clase light cruises built from 1911 until??? The Southamton was in the 3rd group. I have them listed as follows: TOWN CLASS Bristol, Glasgow, Gloucester, Liverpool, Newcastle. 4800 tons 453' X 47' The second group were: Weymouth, Dartmouth, Falmouth, Yarmouth. 5250 tons 453' X 48' 5" The third group were: Chatham, Dublin, Southamton, Australia, Brisbane, Melborne, Sydney 5400 tons 458' X 48.75' The last group: Birminghan, Lowesoft, Nottingham, Australia 1, Adelaide. 5440 tons 457' X 49.75'
With you building the Bismarck Bob, I should look into building the Norfolk instead of the Sheffield. Norfolk seemed to have a knack for knocking out the fire control on German battleships.
Bob, I thought he meant the 1936 Town class of 'light' cruisers... (there was a Southampton in this group, too, much heavier than 5400 tons) Visit this site
That's correct...I'm specifically interested in the Sheffield, which served with force H, engaged both Bismarck and Scharnhorst, and spanked the Adm Hipper. I'd also do a Crown Colony if one was available. Honestly I'll probably never build one (only so much you can do with cruisers, and I generally prefer American cruisers to British) so after I set up my Salt Lake City and my Helena/Belleau Wood conversion job any other cruisers are going to be pretty hard to justify.
I think they do it to keep us colonists confused! Of course, I'm from Georgia, and you know what they used THAT state for...
Mike, Colony Class hulls have been available from Steve Hill of NABS for at least 5 years, as have London Class and Dorsetshire Class heavy cruiser hulls, but he hasn't advertised them on-line. I have his HMCS Ontario (Swiftsure Class) model at home converting it to Treaty specs - it's a nicely made product. His hulls are suitable for all subgroups of the Colony group: Fiji, Uganda, Swiftsure and Superb Classes. Steve finished my hull plug for the London and Dorsetshire Class sub-groups of the 'County Class' after I'd done the mold for the Kent Class subgroup (bulged), which is now owned by Tugboat. Steve's heavy cruiser mold turned out nicely but again he hasn't tried to market the hulls. I think he made only one test hull, which I'm getting in exchange for gutting and rebuilding the Ontario and will build as HMS London in 1941. Steve also makes turrets for the Colony and County Class cruisers. Bob
Boomer, I don't know what Steve is charging for the Fiji hulls and turrets. He's a member of this forum so you can ask him directly. Check out the NABS forum - he's involved in a couple of the topics so you can find the link to his email there. Bob