I personally would like it out in the air,but if it showed no signs of overheating in your box than i see no harm.I am getting ready to order 5 more today
Ive heard you should have them out of the box so they can cool easier. I plan to put mine in the bottom of my boat so water can wash over them and help cool them.
The ones I have currently are supposedly waterproof. I'm not overly pleased with them to this point so if they aren't really waterproof and they fail...well then in my mind I am justified in buying something new. At 40 bucks a pop though, I'm going to try and USE these proboat ESCs I already have.
There's more info about ESCs (particularly the rage I felt when I got mine) and such on this thread here: http://www.rcnavalcombat.com/rcnavalcombat/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=1333&whichpage=1 I'm going to see if I can get them to work for my throttle (will need another pump option I think) until they die and I can justify in my mind buying something better. I just have a hard time mentally ordering new ESCs when I have 4 $40 ones sitting around collecting dust.
I can bring one of my pro-boat 40 amp ESCs up the next time you have a build session if you'd like to play with it. I'm going to drop one of them in the Belleau Wood rather then use a MAG so I can get a little experience...never wired one up before. I'd rather experiment in something I am not counting on battling atm, so if something goes wrong I don't find myself with 0 operational ships.