Hi all, I am buying a DX6i or similar spektrum radio for Gascan, so we can fly our RC airplanes together. Gascan wants to add firing buttons so he can use it with his HMS Invincible. Is it possible to add 3 (or 4) firing buttons to the DX6i while retaining its gimbals in good working order? If not, is there another Spektrum radio that IS capable of such a mod? (I specify spektrum because our Parkzone P-51's use 5-in-1 Spektrum receiver/ESC/servo boards)
If I'm understanding correctly, you want to use the same transmitter for aircraft and ships and keep the buttons? Hmm ... interesting idea. If the buttons were installed on the side or back of the transmitter and wired in parallel to the right side gimble pots ... it might work.
If you put them in a switched parallel circuit I think you would have a much higher chance of success. So have two parallel circuits (one with the gimbal and one with the buttons) with another switch on the radio (SPDT or DPDT depending on the rest of the circuit and what really needs to be switched, im guessing if you switched the positive and negative pots/buttons and left the "signal/wipe" pin connected all the time it would work just fine. aka a DPDT switch...EDIT: as long as you dont have a switch with a "middle" position, aka both off, this should work, otherwise you might have a floating input on whatever reads the signal value which wouldn't be desireable, also i'd reccommend only changing "modes" (switching) with the radio power off.. /EDIT). That would let you choose which input method you wanted to use and not have accidental bumps of the stick/button cause problems while flying/fighting. (either way would be rather annoying if not dangerous) The gimbals on my spektrums all came out very easily and there is a TON of space in those cases. For instance I packed a microcontroller with it's own 9v inside of one to run my shot counter without any space issues. What you want to do shouldn't be to hard for you, it is a pretty simple circuit. I'm very interested in the conversion/mod so if/when you do it please share with the masses!
I use a Dx6 and used the gear flap and Duel rate switches jumped out to micro switches screwed to the back of the trans. This install requires mixing the switches with programing in the radio to get neutral left and right on two micro switches. It works great and you keep the gimbil and only lose gear and flap (my boat don't fly).
I've put buttons in many radios Futaba, Airtronics, Spectrum and those China things. I leave the gimble installed and put the switches in the case on the right side. There is room in the case. Be carful drilling holes in the case, one little slip of a drill bit could take out part of the board, that's bad, very bad. I drill a small hole, then a bigger hole and then the real hole. I solder the wires from the switches onto the board where the wires from the pot connect. Each brand is a little different. Some don't need a resister, some do.
The general consensus seems to be "yes, it is possible". Not only that, but it sounds like there are several different ways to do it. Great!
When you install buttons is the gimbal still connected and function normally or is it just there but not electrically connected to anything?
The gimbal is still there connected like normal. You could fire the guns with the stick if you wanted too. The buttons just run in parallel with the pot. To the radio it looks like a stick throw when you hit the button. On some radios if you hit 2 buttons at a time it will beep, as it's not possible to push the stick in both directions. On the Airtronics I did hitting both buttons caused loss of control until the radio was turned off/on. Ron's big fingers had issues with this until he put a tall screw between the buttons.
For clarification: for most radios, the basic button mod involves putting a pair of buttons to short across different parts of the gimbal's potentiometers?
What would be the point of converting a wii controller? Its analog stick is rather crude and its button layout is not optimal. It's kinda like comparing a joystick and rudder pedals to a playstation controller. One is suitable for flight sims, the other is suitable for arcade games. It'd sure be cool to wave the stick around and watch my ship respond, though.
I need to be more specific with the Wii remote. When you look at the remote itself completely ignore the internal workings of it being analog . THere is e a nunchuck that can be used for turning / forward motion etc. 2 buttons C and Z THese could be set up to fire any cannon/torpedo. The main controller has a 4 direction button that can be used to rotate the turrets and angle of fire. 2 other buttons A and B for Firing as well. Simple in designe and effective . I found the Wii remotes to be more intuitive than the controlls of a Playstation and Im not having to hold my hands 6 inches apart the entire time.
these other remotes have been converted in the past to be used but I have a question. Do you have a working ship with guns and a regular radio yet or are we just pipe dreaming here? Once you experience the normal challenges of keeping a boat running, you may not have time for the extra engineering. Plus when your transmitter fails at lakeside, you will not be able to borrow one. (this will happen sooner or later) This is all about durablilty, interchangability and being able to keeping making battles.
not to discourage you, just asking a question also. Stephen fron Strike models has a transmitter made out of a game controller. Nintendo, I think
Stephen took a PS2 controller, ripped out the circuit board, and designed his own circuit board for the controller.