Spektrum DX6i buttons?

Discussion in 'Electrical & Radio' started by Kotori87, Feb 6, 2012.

  1. Kotori87

    Kotori87 Well-Known Member

    Nov 8, 2006
    I have seen several playstation remotes converted (read: entire guts replaced) into controllers, including Stephen's. I even got to try one, but I was not impressed by the control. The analog sticks used by game controllers have only one centering spring, so it applies the same centering force whether the stick is full forward, full right, or both. By contrast, hobby radios have a centering spring for each axis, which gives you tactile feedback for forward/reverse and left/right separately. While that is merely a nuisance for maneuvering, it is a huge problem for gunnery: when you've got turret rotation on left/right and firing on forward/reverse, you absolutely cannot afford to accidentally fire off a shot when trying to aim, or accidentally re-aim the guns when you're about to fire.

    Talk of the wiimote has given me an idea, though. I've never been happy with the short lengths of flight sim joysticks. I wonder if it's possible to transform a wiimote into a long-handled joystick, so I can get more precise control when lining up my Sopwith Camel on a Fokker DVII in Rise of Flight.