Well, since my assistant let the cat out of the bag, guess I will go public.... I am proud to announce that after several years of toying with the thought of building ships for the hobby, that I have decided to make it official. I have build many ships in the hobby, dating back to 2001 or so. I don't think I could even remember them all at this age. Some of my recent work is here in the build threads... My pride and joy of course was the IJN Nagato that won "Best of Scale" at the IRCWCC NATS in 2014. This endeavor is for is to support the hobby, other captains, and to allow me to build more boats. As long as I can maintain building boats and selling them at or dam near at cost, I will keep it up. I mostly build these for my enjoyment anyway, I might as well start doing it for everybody. We will be offering what boats I have here in the shop that have been drawing dust over time, as well as we are going to take any and all orders for "Wood" framed hulls and ships. I can build them to any desired level, from just an unfinished hull, all the way to a "Combat Ready" ship that only needs water, Co2, and a few BB's. If the ship is a "Combat Ready" boat, it will not be cheaply built, but the cost will be a total of all materials plus a small upcharge to help refurbish building supplies like wire, glue, saw blades ect... This is for the hobby, not for me to make a living ... I have talked too much.... here is the domain http://spudwerks.com A temp url may be needed till registry goes through later... SpudWerks Shipyard
just a bit of contact cement on the four paws, let dry completely. Then a light coat of cement in the bag. Voila cat will stay in the bag.
good luck in this venture, it is badly needed in this hobby. I do have a question for you, Are you able to build hulls that are 1/72 scale?
He can build to any scale. The only consideration for a 1/72 would be more materials ($$) and much more shipping ($$$$$$). But since each ship is built from scratch, any hull at any scale is possible.