Re: RE: Stokomoto Von Der Tann My stuff from BC came in today. I thought I ordered a pair of 280s but I only got 1. Anyway the 280 is way too small. I thought it was a little bigger. I orderd a pair of 385s and a regulator. Other than that I got the rest of my stuff. Now if I can only get some free time to work on the projects. Curt
Re: RE: Stokomoto Von Der Tann Cool. Have you cut out the Graf Spee yet? I should have a real ship yard come the spring.
Stokomoto, Any luck on getting that camera back? Sorry to bug you but I'm hoping to take possession of my VDT tomorrow and figuring out how to cut the hull is bugging me. I've got some leads on local, experienced guys to take a look at it but I'd like to present them with a ready-to-cut boat instead of having to correct my taping job. I'm about as dense as a sack of hammers when it come to written descriptions so I'm saving all the pics I can get my hands on.
Hi yeah I finally got the camera back. I just haven't had the chance to sit down and get the photos posted. I was trying a few nights ago but the pix didn't post. Thanks for the reminder. I am going to make another attempt. I apologize for any inconvienance this may have caused. Stokomoto
Thanks! One of the beauties of not yet taking possession of my boat is I haven't had to figure out how to post pics on the new forum. Justin posted a tutorial somewhere on here the other day and I guess I'll need to check it out after I have something to show. ;-)
Hmm, I'm betting he got the camera back from his girlfriend but wasn't happy when he saw the pics. Say, Admiral Sparrow, where were YOU on the night of January 27 and is that a mole on your left cheek? Heh.
Ok... I ended up purchasing a new card reader. That evening when I installed it the GF was downloading pics for me and I was going through my stuff when I found the adapter to download pics from my camera.. sheesh go figure! Now I finally got the pics where I want them to post to the forum. But I can't post them to the forum. I can't just copy and paste from Photobucket anymore to the forum like I could with the old forum. I don't have a tool bar like the one shown in the how to post demo posted on the forum so I have no clue how I am going to get these pics posted.
Use the Add Reply button, not the Quick Reply, or make a quick reply post, and then edit it, either will work.