Hi Everyone, We wanted to let you know that some orders may be filled slower than usual over the next two months for Strike Models. We've had issues with access to our inventory warehouse, will be exhibiting at RCX in Long Beach in a week, and Stephen and Keri will be moving to Seattle in May/June. We'll be moving the business as well, but we won't be running quite at the same speed for a bit. Please check out our blog post for more information. http://www.strikemodels.com/news/ap...ow-orders/
Keri, Good luck with the move, And let me know if there anything I can Do ok! I know moving can be a pain in the butt! Nikki
Hi Keri, that explains alot. I hope there will be a smooth transition from old to new. In have an order pending, but let Stephen know there is no rush. Does this mean I can drive down to pick up the order? J
As a mis-representative of your soon-to-be-local club I would like to state here how happy we are about your impending relocation to our region! Do let me know if you need any help unpacking (but be aware that I may be moving myself this summer and try to trick you into coming to a shipyard warming party...)