Lots of ships fit that description. Would she be a pre-dreadnought? I also got today's ten minutes of work in. Second coat of spar went on the decks, and the first on the cap-rails. Beaver
That was kind of the idea so that you wouldn't really be able to guess what it is. And no, it is not a pre-dread (I'm not part of that mania).
Well in that case, it must be a dreadnought. I think I'm just going to have to wait and see it, because there sure are lots of DN that fit that description as well. Beaver
Theres only about 24 class 4 DN, of those, only about a dozen or so have been done (that I'm aware of) in this hobby. But it'll be epic having a unique ship on the pond.
If nobody has done one yet, must be from a not very well known country. Maybe it's one of those Argentinian battleships, or that cool looking Regina Elena from Italy. Beaver
Regina Elena is a predread. I do want to do a Dante though (no I'm not doing that one right now, can't afford the plans)
Nice thread Beav. Hope you can get her finished to battle test her at the spring events to be ready for Nats. If you need help, I have a fully equipped shop just North of you. Just spent the weekend with my son-in-law building his new ship for Nats. WE got a very sturdy rudder system in Andrea Doria. Absolutek - class 4's are fun. I have built a number. Hope to make a Florida mold some day. Nate G Pres, IR/CWCC VU USS Charlotte VDT WeeVee INV
Thanks, Nate! The hull is pretty much done, now all I need to do is install all the electronics which I hope will go easy. I'm hoping to make it to NATS with her if everything works out. When I get Suffren done, I might come on up to your shop so you can help me double check everything. Beaver
What do you guys think of magnets for deck hold downs? I was thinking something like these. And will these affect the receiver? http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=281060566585&fromMakeTrack=true&ssPageName=VIP:watchlink:top:en Beaver
That is the method I finally selected for my Bismarck. My choice of magnet is close to yours, but in my case I ordered the N52 5/16 by 1/8, pack of 200 . Be aware that your selection is rated N40. Not bad,but there is better for the same price Daniel
Magnets shouldnt mess with the radio. You would have to use extremely large magnets for that to happen.
How strong of a magnet do I want? I don't want one so strong that it gets ripped out of the deck when I try to pull it off. Beaver
You may want to consider a 6mm x 3mm magnet. They will be a hair smaller in diameter, only by roughly. 010", but more importantly a hair thinner as well. It all depends on how thick the material is that they are going into.... You want your magnet a bit thinner than the plywood. When I place my magnets I make sure to have the mating sides of them sunk in just a little bit so there is enough room to build enough epoxy over them that the epoxy won't crack. I do this to insure they won't pull out. Then as long as they aren't standing above the top of the deck on the other side, when you put a little epoxy over the top of the deck and magnets to waterproof, a light touch with sandpaper when it's hard and paint and they are completely invisible. I don't think the difference between the magnet strengths will be something that will be an issue, all the rare earth ones are so strong. N52 is supposed to be the strongest magnet grade available. I have some N52, they are super strong, but not noticeably enough over the other grades to pay a lot more for it.... I went for it at the time because it was only a couple bucks more and I had to use really small magnets for the application, so I needed the strongest available.
In that small size they aren't hard to get apart, but they should hold the deck securely. I had bought a few different diameters the first time I used them so I could experiment.They are reareasonably inexpensive, so I like to have options
So you don't think I'll have trouble getting the decks off with 8 or so magnets holding it down? If not I'm thinking about getting these. http://www.ebay.com/itm/131026826863?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649 Beaver
I weighed Suffry yesterday with everything I have for her already and a few extra things to make up for stuff I don't have yet, and she weighed about 4 1/2 pounds. Not bad, I think. I'm wondering if I should use self leveling concrete sealer for in between the ribs. Will I have enough weight left to add the Co2 bottle, regulator, cannons, SS, ect? Beaver