Sounds good, can't wait for an answer! I'm going to be really busy this weekend, so any progress on the Suffren is going to be slow, or non existent. After the premature dunking that Sufry got yesterday, she got drenched all night because I forgot to take her inside after letting her dry out. So if anything is going to bow, it should bow now. Beaver
Beav, let it dry out of sunlight... that way it dries more consistently and minimizes bowing/warping.
That's what I did, even before you told me. I started gluing the balsa on the other side today, and have most of it ready. Probably one more day to finish that up, after that I'm not sure what to do. I don't have fiberglass or epoxy, so I can't do any fiberglassing. Any suggestions, all I have is the hull and enough balsa to do three or four hulls. Beaver
My suggestion is to go to NAPA or Autozone or a place like that, and buy a 5sq.ft. pack of fiberglass, then get some waterproof epoxy and get to it. Some people like the epoxy that they sell at car places but most of those use MEK as a catalyst and the fumes are evil.
Ok, I have a Autozone a few miles away! I found an epoxy that I think should work. It's cheaper than West Systems. I got to work on the Sufry a little bit today. Almost have all the balsa glued in, just need to sand it. Beaver
Even though I was very busy this weekend, I got to glue just about all the balsa onto the hull. Yay! Now all that I have to do is.............. SAND! The Beast, (Don't mind the dirty bench) When I shaped the bow I used plywood, and it took FOREVER to sand down to shape. So being lazy I used balsa, and am going to fiberglass it for durability. What is the best way to put balsa where the waterchanneling is? Beaver
Or you can cut out the center pieces of those ribs except for the ones on each end of the water channel as well as the middle one. then trip a pices of balsa to fit the bottom of it.
Ok, great ideas! I only have 1/4in and 1/32 balsa, and I don't have any thin plywood. Could I could use two layers of 1/32 balsa? I bought the fiberglass cloth and resin today. I ended up buying the resin used for bodywork, so I when I'm done sanding I can fiberglass. Beaver
I made some good progress in the last two days. I sanded down the hull, and added balsa pieces for the waterchannel. Here are the pictures of the progress: You can see daylight, because I didn't get the balsa close enough to the keel. I don't think it'll pose a problem since I'll be fiberglassing it. So maybe I'll be able to start fiberglassing here someday. Enjoy, Beaver
I am starting a build soon as well. I have been watching yours because mine will be a cruiser too. I am not sure if I will do a water channel, however. Anyway, good progress.
Thanks, When I did the waterchannel, I did it haphazardly. In other words, not a very good job. If I could go back, I would change a few things, but it's glued in now, so I'll just have to live with it. As for how hard it was to do the waterchannel, just takes some more time planning, and a little more time cutting. Good luck on your cruiser, Renodemona, yes, it's like the icing on the cake! Beaver
Weeeeellllllll..... Today it is as follows. Tomorrow might be different. Algerie Zara Portland De Ruyter
Nice choices! Out of all of those, I like the Algerie a lot. I would start a thread in the "ship comparison" section and let someone with more experience than me help you choose one. Beaver