I haven't done much with the Suffren in the last few days. I rebuilt the rudders with 1/8" plywood. I used the same shafts. All I did was soak the rudders in water for an hour or two, and then got a pair of pliers and ripped them apart. Does anybody have an idea where the center shaft for the propellers is supposed to come out of the hull, and how far the other two shafts are off of that? Thanks, Beaver
I was wondering what I should do next? I'm almost to the point that I think I'm going to have to start ordering innards. Beaver
Buy innards! Alternatively, do the decks, to include putting barbettes on, so that you can avoid attaching innards under the turret(s) that you're going to arm!
Good news, all the electronics are on the way. Bad news........umm.. I don't think there is anything the fits under that category. ( which is a good thing) Just thought I'd let you know that I haven't given up on the Suffren........yet. Beaver
While I was waiting for the parts to get here from Hobby King, I drilled the holes for the prop shafts. I used a 5/16" drill bit because I had one that was a foot long and it made drilling a lot easier, plus I don't think a 1/16 of an inch will matter. I think I drilled the holes too close. I measured 1" from the center shaft. Here are some pics. And, no, I'm not using pencils for stuffing tubes. And here is a size comparison of a 1/96 V-106, and a 1/44 Suffren. Big difference! So, what do you guys think, are the shafts too close? Beaver
Just cut a piece of cardboard to the diameter of the prop you want to use, and put a pencil-sized hole in the middle of it. stick it on the pencil, and you'll see if you're okay
I have one more issue. When I drilled the holes, this is where they ended up. And I don't know how I'm going to be able to hook the shafts to the gear box. I measured for the biggest prop I could use, and looks like an 1 1/4" This is an experimental 1 1/4" prop I made out of galvanized steel. Beaver
What are you going to hold it to the shaft with? I use sheet brass and solder brass 1/8" collars to the blade disc. Don't try that with galvanized steel; the fumes are toxic.
Good question..Ummm.... Hmmm...maybe I should scrap that idea. I have some stainless steal lying around here somewhere. I'll have to check that out today. Beaver
Welding small stuff is a skill worth learning, it is actually in demand in molding shops. Too bad I haven't learned it yet. TIG would probably give better results than MIG but you probably don't have access to that equipment. Ron Hunt
Yes, I don't have access to TIG, but it would be nice to have. I'm probably going to end up silver soldering the collars on. Beaver
Stainless TIG welding is easy, so very very easy....its as easy as brazing. Aluminium TIG, now thats not so much fun.
Yesterday, all the electronics arrived. I'm clueless as to how all of this is supposed to be hooked up into one big happy family. I need a chart or something to tell me how to get this running. Anybody have some suggestions? I could use some right now. Beaver
A list,...OK. 1..2500KV motor 1..2100KV motor 1..8000Mah battery 1..Brushless Car ESC 30A w/ Reverse 1.. SS Series 25-30A ESC 4..HXT servos (I figured I'd buy a few in case I needed them) Plus a battery charger, and a programing card. Is that what you were looking for? Beaver