Well color me surprised. The above QE plans came yesterday. Last time it took taubmans 3 months to get me goffy plans that I already had (their combat plans are Geoff's). Took a chance and they came a week later. I'll post what they are when I get home.
Well color me surprised. The above QE plans came yesterday. Last time it took taubmans 3 months to get me goffy plans that I already had (their combat plans are Geoff's). Took a chance and they came a week later. I'll post what they are when I get home.
Well it seems the SIR product prefix code are for A & A later on Sambrook plans. Taubman's now seems to own the rights to them and are the sole source for them now. They do not seem bad at all but I do not have any basis for analysis. The hull lines from my Indianapolis were better, granted they were builder's copies from floating drydock. They should be perfect for my zombification of the third hand QE hull I received from David Au (who disavows ever owning the hull and to clarify he was not the shipwright for this wooden hull).
It is no higher than 5 or 6 on the list. 1. Prince Edmund (Duke of Edinburgh CAE) 2. Ceres (C-Class Cruiser) 3. Lord Nelson (PDN) 4. Colossus (DN) Then? Royal Sovereign? Queen Elizabeth? Nelson? 1-3 are confirmed 4 is pretty sure anything past that is a guess I would like to do HMS Swift or another type of DD too. The main problem with Swift is that the rudder is bolted on to the back of the ship. Not sure how to rig that.
I have line drawings and frames for Caroline, Curlew, and Calcutta of the C-class, and Danae and Delhi of the D-class. Doggone it I still owe you rudder and prop drawings for DoE...
Oh yes. You do. Well I can't throw stones in the absent minded department. I have Russian Ceres plans from the SMC series on Taubmans. She's in the cardboard frames stage right now. Prince Edmund has subdecks traced but not cut. Superstructure won't be accurate for a DoE but will match the Cochrane. She should have hull casemates but I have no idea where they go since I have no plans for the hull. So I am doing the March 1916 fit after the casemate guns were removed.
Have you got past the point where you could put in the casements? I went and checked and it's the Warrior plans that I'm working on, not DoE. I can copy them pretty easily and add casements in the correct locations if it's not too late.
As I am using Strike's fibreglass hull building the casements is a matter of where I put the tape. I have not cut the windows yet so there is still time.
Technically DoE and Black Prince had a box battery rather than individual casemates. It also seems that the plug Strke uses is a hybrid. Its a Warrior hull with the rear casemates of a DoE.