Oh lord forgive me I know not what I say Sorry. I hope you never get that way either. It is not good for the soul. Again it is an opinion. Sorry it is not taken in a funny context instead of always serious. Thank you for your pity.
I am not here to intterupt this forum.I liked naval wargaming since 1969. I have collected 1/1200th scale,sold. Wanted to get back in the 80s. 1/2400th came along. Sold when I got married. Now I have bought the British and German vessels that fought at Jutland. It is the co0st and space restrictions that I ventured into this. If you want to talk war gaming start a new forum. Thank you for coming to my support.
Thats cool Fire_Power_Dan, i dont know who someone does that. It sounds cool, and arduous. But thats great
I myself bought several fleets of 1/6000. Lack of opponents was my problem. Now I have that problem and finding the ships again.
I know how you feel on that one. There is only so much time to devote to anything.We only have so many choices.
If interested check out Gaming Conventions. There is a big historical convention in Pennsylvania. The biggest Origons is in Ohio around July. Gencon is another.
Storm Eagle Studios is putting the last bit of polish on Jutland, the sequel to their awesome computer game Distant Guns: The Russo Japanese War. They've got the mechanics down, they're just putting the last touches on the eye candy. Once Jutland is out, I'll upgrade Kotori's graphics card and introduce you to the game Dan. You can then play against the computer AI whenever you want and try some of these interesting what-if scenarios. Here's a few preview screenshots: http://www.gamesquad.com/images/stories/Jutland_The%203rd%20Battle%20Squadron_1166.jpg http://www.gamesquad.com/images/stories/Jutland%20at%201548_406.jpg http://www.gamesquad.com/images/stories/Jutland%20at%201548_702.jpg http://www.gamesquad.com/images/stories/Jutland%20at%201548_765.jpg http://www.gamesquad.com/images/stories/Jutland%20at%201548_726.jpg http://www.gamesquad.com/images/stories/Jutland%20at%201548_845.jpg http://www.gamesquad.com/images/stories/Jutland%20at%201548_1150.jpg http://www.gamesquad.com/images/stories/Jutland%20at%201548_865.jpg
I like the one sinking. That looks like a British Repulse BC. Is it? One of these days I will have to try that WW 2 Pacific one I bought.
Love the in flight shells that are heading towards their victims. Let me know when this comes out an where it may be purchased.
I am a Naval war gamer. Would be neat to play a map game and have the main Admirals do all the map movement and when the vessels make contact we have a battle with the ships involved.