Hmmm. Looking at the fleet in the garage: Richelieu,Suffren,Montcalm,Mogador Still to finish: Surcouf Obviously I need to be working on a hull for the Algerie and the Province...
Hi Curt, I have that ship. I tried to resheet it, but it disintegrated. The stern broke off just the same as shown in the pictures here. It is still in my garage -- I plan to make a new hull for and reuse the superstructure. I just need a little more practice making wooden hulls.
Hi Rob. Yeah Tom informed me that you had the ship and it's not the one that was posted. Apparently there were 2 of these that were made nearly identically. That hull had quite a bit of milage on it. Well atl least the top half will get more milage than the hull. Thanks for clearing that up for me Rob. Curt