We took a look at the new pond in Carrollton this weekend. We put in the boats, drove around, checked out the amenities. The parks department in Carrolton is one of the best I have worked with so far. They are very enthusicastic about having us out there and will be making improvements on the pond in the future. We hope to have 1 or 2 events out next year. Here are some of the pictures, the rest you can get from google earth. https://www.facebook.com/media/set/...073741848.817331414985984&type=1&l=424a7400f9 Here is a view directly above the two cypress trees. Th Pit area is immediately south in the grass under the trees just outside the outfield. https://www.google.com/maps/place/M...25e2f97139cb88!8m2!3d32.9621087!4d-96.9411642 Close-up of the pit area with power pole (future power perhaps by October) on the left: https://www.google.com/maps/place/M...25e2f97139cb88!8m2!3d32.9621087!4d-96.9411642 View of the restrooms (or we can bring in Jeff-on-the-spot as needed: https://www.google.com/maps/place/M...25e2f97139cb88!8m2!3d32.9621087!4d-96.9411642 High water is said to be no more than 6ft, water level was not high when we were there and it was estimated to be 5ft. During the October battle we will need floats (same as Nats this year) and we will have access to a flat bottom aluminum boat for retrieval. Looks great so far and its in a metropolitan area, lots of hotel and food options. We should be able to work out the rest soon, and put it on the schedule See you there J