Yea after thinking awhile, i think the best solution would be to make ones that just ram the other ships. seeing as they would naturaly hit at or below the waterline, it would be effective, but once out of torpedoes you would have to surface to use a deck gun or to reload. the torps could be reusable. i might make a not to scale model for testing this weekend seeing as i have free time
Thanks! i probably will try to get around ot that this weekend.oh and by the way lol, does anyone know the scale size of a german uboat type VII-C torpedo?
woah! after calculateing, thats a VERY thin torpedo. I might have to make it in 1/96 scale instead of 1/144
good idea. I still need to check out the scale lenght though. not to mention at that size all motors would be pretty weak D:>
My last post was a link to the wikipedia entry for the german pre-war and night combat torpedo, the G7a model. It has further measurements in the article.
ok after awhile of trying to get the scale measurements right, i fail . whats 23ft 6 inches in 1/96 scale?
First, convert feet & inches to just inches: 23'6" = 23.5' 23.5 * 12 = 282" (or 23' * 12 = 276" + 6" = 282") Then, convert scale: 282" / 96 = 2.9375" = 2-15/16" JM
Ok i was looking for good things for a Torp today! I think an airsoft gun barrel is perfect size for a torpedo tube . I dont know what the torp will be, but i need it either be retriveable or enviromentally friendly so it breaks down (preferably the first one mainly) any suggjestions? dont forgot, it has to be able to retain power so it cant be all wood or something...
Oh and by the way! has anyone thought of propulsion systems? i think electric is not efficient at this size. maybe gas? but how...
There's a simple trick to converting stuff in 1/96 scale. Just divide the length of the object in feet by 8, and the result will be the scale length of the object in inches. Remember, though, this only works for 1/96 scale! Carl
I recall hearing that the Japanese had a very large torpedo during the war. Did a quick check and here is what I found: Overall Length 354 in (9.000 m) 61 cm (24") Type 93 (1933) Model 1, Mod 1, Mod 2 and Mod 3
Has anyone thought of using upgraded zipzaps motors for testing with torpedos? I think they might run fast enough...
Sorry about the lack of updates. been busy and its been raining forever. Not to mention my cash flow is being drained. I HOPEFULLY will work on it somemore soon.