I was able to get the port side sheeted today. Not a bad hull to sheet. Not as easy as my old Alabama but, not bad. I hope to get to the starboard side sheeting a little later today.
I was able to get the rest of the hull sheeted. Now the port and starboard sides are covered. I was also able to paint the red area of the hull below the water line. I hope to be able to paint the rest of the hull tomorrow after work.
Thanks Mikey. Dave, he is a beast. Took Bismarck to the pond and ran him for about an hour and checked all system's. The Kaptain was very happy but, is looking for a smaller boat.
Bismarck is ready!! Bismarck received orders from the Uberbunker to leave home base at 03:30 Thursday 6 Aug 41 and proceed west northwest to the area code named "Ravenna." Upon arrival at this location, Bismarck is ordered to hunt down and sink the HMS Hood and any other Allied vessels found in that area. All batteries are charged, ALL guns work and work well. The Bismarck and his Kaptain are ready. Boober Uberpooperscooper