That’s why I apologized before you even read it but tell me you don’t dream of an Iowa in the same location yah I thought so []
Ah yes, Bring on that there....Iawer. We can set side by side and throw bb's at each other. Then when one of us sinks, you can go out and get the boat. Battling, just for the fun of it.
Was nice to see all the progress you have made since the last time I was up there. Now that you have your wood prepped, looks like you should be ready for sea trials soon. Bismarck is going to look good on the water. I hope it looks as good UNDER water
Thanks Mike, You are a funny man. Moving right along on him. By the way, hope the ride home was not that bad yesterday. That was one heavy rain when you left.
LOL I'm sure it will Crazy any Axis looks better on the bottom however I did try to save him some time and posted a picture for him to detail it to match he declined nevertheless [V]
Hey if Crazy lives close to you next year when I bring my Iowa to play with your Bisi maybe my Boston can come along and we can settle the Cleveland issue []
I live about an hour and a half away from Bobo. Maybe I'll have to see if Mikey Deskin will cut me a deal for his Brooklyn that's nearly done. That's a pretty close match performance wise to the Cleveland, and will leave me my winter to work on my next project, HIJMS Tone.
Oh Nay Nay Crazy put your money where your mouth is brother I want a Cleveland purebred to see if she is all you eulogize about [] you have a while to make it happen I dont even have my Iowa in hand yet [^]
I used to Reenact Civil war with my oldest boy before he went into the army always wanted to get to Gettysburg never made it I think I will make it a trip for sure. The battle will give me the ecxuse to go. []
LOL When giving advice, I try to not tell people what I'd do myself, because I've been known to be interested in hair brained's my duty to try and give new guys the best advice I can. An example of this is my beloved Salt Lake City vs the Cleveland. In my humble opinion, the Cleveland is superior in every way. However, I won't let something silly like performance get in my way of building something that I want. I'd never recommend the SLC to someone when they could go with a Cleveland, Brooklyn, Northampton, or Portland. I'll recommend them something with the better combat characteristics, because that will help enhance their enjoyment. I'd happily jump off the Cleveland bandwagon if someone started producing Swampy's Brooklyn or Northampton again. They aren't better (combat wise) but have cooler histories. Then I'd say build a Brooklyn/Cleveland/Northampton instead!
Hey Getty your Link isn't working But here is mine or I should say was mine [] FIRST MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEER CAVALRY COMPANY 'B'